Wake Up?!

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Ichigo wakes Up with a start covered in sweat.

"Gahhh" screamed ichigo he fell off his bed and looked around frantically and found he was in his room "Whew" sighed ichigo in relief "It was Just a Nightmare Thank Kami".

Yuzu knocks on the door lightly voice clouded with sleep "Ichi-nii it's four in the morning i heard you scream is something wrong" ichigo's face goes red remebering his embarassing nightmare and says frantically "no ,no everythings fine i just uh... rolled out of bed" yuzu's eyes widen "rolled out of bed? are you okay ichi-nii" she opens the door and sees ichigo sitting on the floor "I'm fine don't worry you can go back to your room and sleep" yuzu yawns "i guess going back to sleep does sound nice if your sure your alright"

"i'm sure" he smiles softly as she yawns again and walks

out ichigo's room and closes the door softly "good night,or morning ichi-nii sleep well" "you sleep well too"

Ichigo climbs back in his bed and drifts off back to sleep.

this time peacfully with no weird dreams or nightmares.

~morning 6:30am~

The sun shines in ichigo's eyes as a groan escapes him when the alarm clock rings he slams his hand on the alarm clock shutting it off and gets dressed the only reason Rukia is not sleeping in the closet is that she went to sleep over at Orihime's house.

as he puts on his school unifoms jacket. his eccentric dad isshin kurosaki bursts through the door dynamic entry style.

and kicks his son in the face ichigo gets up from the floor and punches him in the face "Damn it goat-chin it's too early for this!" "I have nothing more to teach you" isshin says proudly "Shut up goat-chin!".

Isshin Runs Downstairs to the poster of Masaki and cries his manly tears "Our son is so cruel masaki-chan where did i go wrong" Yuzu looks at him in concern while dishing up the food.

Karin scoffs at his overdramatic display and mutters quietly "Stupid Goat-chin" Isshin hears her and wails "my daughters don't love me Masaki-chan" at the poster anime crying overdramatically as ichigo comes down to breakfast Looking annoyed like he always does.

~At Highschool~

Ichigo sees Rukia and is reminded of his nightmare and his eyes widen for a split second then relax's "Yo ,Rukia" she waves "Good morning Ichigo" 'I guess today will be alright' "How was your sleep over at Orihime's" Rukia's purple eyes shift slightly to the side "uhh, Orihime's food was rather eccentric" Ichigo grimances sypathetically "Orihime may be cute but her cooking is sorta awful"

But then goes red realizing his mistake Rukia's purple eyes sparkle with mirth as she smirks at him "you think Orihime's cute huh maybe i should tell her" she teases knowing of Orihime's crush on Ichigo and wanting to play match maker.

he splutters "Damn you midget me an Orihime are just friends so shut up" rukia's eyes narrow in anger and kicks him in the face "I am not a midget!" she yells in anger Orihime runs up to them "uh Ichigo-Kun Rukia-chan is everything all right oh schools starting we don't want to be late for class otherwise Ochi-Sensei might get mad and then well be in trouble" she says cheerfully.

Ichigo's face goes red Rukia elbows him in the side winking Ichigo glares at Rukia while Orihime looks confused.

Rukia Grabs both of them by the hand and they run into the class looks at them with a stern look as they run into the class and take their seats "you're late".

~The End~

But Review Pretty Please, Please with Cheese *Puppy Dog Eyes*

I tried to make this story longer so... i hope you guys or gals enjoy it

sorry for the Ichihime shipping but i just think ichigo and orihime are so cute together *squeals* i just couldn't resist XD

I may have made ichigo slightly OOC sorry

Constructive Criticism is welcome

Just Don't flame too much

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2019 ⏰

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