Chapter 2 - Room mates

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"Hello, I'm Rebeca, but people call me Becca. And you are?" she greets, a full smile on her tanned face.

Becca has light brown hair that falls to just below her shoulders. She has half pulled back from her face using bobby pins to secure it and the rest is allowed to flow down in loose hanging curls. Similar to mine however my hair is longer in length, touching my mid-stomach and the curls I have are much tighter, like ringlets.

"My name Zoey,  I'm new here and I'm guessing you are my new room mate?" I say noticing my luggage next to a bed to the right of the room.

"Yes we are roomies you could say" she comments sitting down on the edge of her bed and nods toward mine gesturing for me to sit down.

"Okay so I have been asking for a room mate for a long time now and I am super happy that I have one as I get bored on my own and I never go to parties or even get invited to any but I don't really mind, there is just one 'rule' that I have is that between five and six you must be very quiet or not here as that is the time that I am going to consolidate my knowledge, which I need silence for." she explains, completely baffling me, I just met this girl and she is already giving me rules which I don't need.

"Weirdly enough I am not just going to comply to your rules when I've just met you and I also will want to study too. However, I will agree to your rules as I don't want to start off on the wrong foot so I shall study at the same time as you which helps because if needed we could study together. What subjects are you taking?" I ask after letting my head strong personality, which I must have gotten from my mother as my father is very quiet and secluded in general, get the best of me.

"Yeah of course we could consolidate together, I am taking art, english language and german. I joined as an english major, which was the main reason my family could afford to pay for this education, so for that I am thankful."

Even though I was slightly annoyed with her, Becca seems to have this effect on people, well certainly me, where she seems too sweet to mean any harm.

"Is there a cafeteria for dinner or do we cook in there." I ask pointing to the small yet full kitchenette to the left of the bedrooms which I past earlier.

"We can do either, normally Lou comes round and we either go to the shopping centre just around the corner or we cook something" as she said this, as if on cue, there was a knock on the door.

I stood up and answered the door to be met with a very pretty girl with long ruby flushed hair, and freckles dotted elegantly across her face.

"Hi, I'm Lou, short for Louisa. Can I come in?" she asks not making eye contact once.

"Sure, I'm Zoey" I reply before moving out of the way and she looks up slightly and smiles not only through her mouth but through her eyes so I know it is genuine.

"What are we doing for supper Becca? I bought the ingrediants incase you wanted a stir fry" she explains shaking her bag slightly infront of our faces, as I have now returned to my seat on my bed.

"I was thinking we could go to the Italian just down the road. I am in the mood for Pizza and Pasta. We could do what we normally do and get one pasta dish, one pizza then split?" Becca explains whilst standing up and looking for her....purse? "Yeah okay let's do that, let me pop these in your fridge then we can go" Louisa answers before making her way to the kitchen. I've not even realised how late it is until I remember just how long it took me to get to my room from the reception and check my phone which shows the time to be quarter to seven. I feel like I am intruding in their 'thing' but I can't jump to the conclusion that I am going to be invited to dinner with them, I barely even know these people and I would much rather just stay here and maybe go to the cafeteria and wait until I have found my feet to go out. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2015 ⏰

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