chapter 1: The start of a day.

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As all storys go, I must tell mine in a form of a memory.
I don't quite remember crying or screaming when she passed away...I just remember falling down, further and further like it was no point to be falling anymore it was just open space.

I tossed over looking at my door, I purposely locked it so he couldn't get in, that man screaming at my door constantly is a reminder of my mom being gone everyday of my life.
He's my stepdad, his name's David Alburn; hard working man he is, that's what I hear, to me he's just a cheap scumbag that works in a filthy office in new york.
Yeah, yeah every girl is supposed to be happy when they live in the big city where there are thousands of shops but I much do hate it here, it's too loud, sometimes I feel like a tiny fish in a big aquarium filled to the brim with sharks.
But I move on with my day by officially getting up to take my morning shower, where I take in the philosophies of life such as why am I here, who am I?, What is my purpose?...I could go on and on about this but who am I kidding no one wants to hear that.
I get out of the showers, dry off, brush my hair, blow dry that, and brush my teeth the usual; I quickly walk over to my dresser feeling the cold nip at my skin, the big windows behind me showing off the dreary smoke created by factories that omit cancers and might be wondering why am I like this why am I melancholy, why am I all started when I was nine years old....

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2019 ⏰

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