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"Joe you can go home, I'll finish that one up for you" my bosses son and my best friend.

"it's okay loga, I'm almost done" I said finishing up the brake job on the audi that came in this morning.

"joe you've been here since 5:30 this morning, you can go home your exhausted baby girl" he said standing at my tool box.

"I know, I'm almost dead on my feet but I'm okay, just let me finish than we can go"

"I'm driving you home by the way" logan said as he pulled me out from under the audi just as I finished the brake job.

"perfect timing but you don't need to drive me home loga I think I can make it home myself" I said getting up

"always cochran always but I am driving you home it wasn't an option baby girl" he told me helping me up.

"I can make it on my own, besides my place is way out of your way" I said wiping off my hands on the rag from my pocket,

"still didn't ask and besides your staying at my place tonight because you are still getting over the fact that jack is gone and hes not coming back" logan said holding the keys to his 72 camaro as he held me on his shoulder.

"I can walk and I can deal with it on my own, I'm dealing with the fact jacks not coming home just fine" he sighed but put me in the car before he got in the car and said

"I don't care joe, you aren't dealing with it too well because I come in most morning to find your time card marked at 5am and you hardly ever leave till at least 8"

"so what? Working keeps my mind off it and besides I get work done that you have been putting off for weeks"

"and you and I both know jack would not like that joe, he always made you rest and you were hardly ever at the shop before 7 because you hated leaving jack so early and you always rushed home right after 5 because you missed him all day"

"I know and I get it logan, I do but working is my release from all those things that remind me of him.. I like being at the shop so let me alone, my health is just fine and so is everything else"

That was the last thing I remember from last night.

"logan, I'm sorry about last night, I get moody when I'm exhausted and when I'm exhausted I think about jack and that only makes it worse"

"Its okay jo, I know and I wasn't in a great mood on the way home so I get it" he said making me an ice coffee

"it wasn't okay loga, I shouldn't have snapped at you like that, you were right and I knew it but I didn't want to admit it because well y'know why"

"no you shouldn't have cause I was right and you knew it too but that's not what I was getting at. You and jack were perfect together and everyone knew it. You arent over him and I get it, you might not ever be totally over him and I don't expect you to be over him fast because I know you loved him more than anything. I can see it in your eyes joe, you still hope that jack will walk through the bay doors at the shop and sweep you off your feet and I don't blame you if I loved someone like you loved jack I would hope for the same thing. You don't date, you don't even glance at guys unless its me" logan said honestly

"I look I just don't go out because I'm not ready, I havent even came to terms with the fact jacks really gone and I don't know that I ever will. I'll start looking and dating again one day but that won't be today or tomorrow. I've got you and rocky and work and mine and jacks cars and I'm okay with that, I wish I still had jack but I don't"

"joe theres more to life than cars and motorcycles, you can love them but your gonna want someone to love you and hold you and sadly a car or a motorcycle can't do that"

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