|Arc 1| Chapter Five.

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After finishing their tour, Nashi quickly learned that her and Storm had all of the same classes.

She was glad, and so was he, but their was this other person who wasn't so happy about this. Storm had sat by her in every class. It wasn't because he didn't want to sit by everyone else, he just didn't want to make friends based on his popularity. This, caused Luke to glare at her all day.

"Whose this?" Asks Luke, knowing all to well who it was.

He's trying to act tough, that's cute. Thinks Nashi to herself. "This is Storm, the boy I had to tour around the school." Nashi turns to Storm. "This is Luke, my twin brother." Says Nashi introducing them.

"This is not going to go good." Says Gale, taking a bite out of his sand which. His sisters nods her head taking out her phone. "If they fight I'll get it all on camera." Says Grace. Gale nods and continue eating his lunch, taking side looks at the two boys.

"Stay away from my sister." Says Luke, causing Storm to roll his eyes. "Why should I?" He Says. "Because I said so, Nash probably doesn't like hanging around you anyway."

"Well actually I kinda do so-" "Shut it Nashi!" Says Luke causing Nashi to send a help me look to Grace. If anyone could calm him down, it had to be her.

"Look Luke, I think you over exaggerating. Everyone at this table is just friends." Says Grace.

"Unless she wants to be something more." Says Storm. Gale stifles a laugh and Grace facepalms. Nashi was over there about to faint and Luke was ready to kick his ass.

Luke stands up and that's when Nashi becomes aware. "Luke, don't do this." Says Nashi, standing alongside her brother, but it was too late since Luke had already pounced on the boy.


"Don't I look dressed down?" Says Lucy. They just had to go to some french fancy restaurant.

"You look beautiful." He says causing her cheeks to flare as she looks the other way. She couldn't rememberer the last time she went on a date.

"Table pour deux s'il vous plaît?" Asks Natsu and Lucy looks up in amazement as the person takes them to a table.

"So, what language was that?" Asks Lucy once their seated.

"French." Answers Natsu.

"Hm, you never told me you could speak French." Says Lucy, a smile playing at her lips.

"My father made me learn that and the piano. Then he was surprised when I chose music over his company, even though I eventually chose both."

"Enough of me though, I wanna know about you Luce."


"Yup, cool nickname isn't it?" Asks Natsu and Lucy can't help but giggle.

"Okay then, what do you wanna know?" She Asks.

"Anything, and everything." Says Natsu, easily flirting.

"There's nothing important about me." Says Lucy sitting back in her chair. "Of course their is. You told me you like writing right?" Lucy nods. "Yeah, it's my passion."

"Then why do you work at my brothers office?" Asks Natsu, seeing through her.

"Life got in the way." Says Lucy with a sigh. "I got pregnant and I...I had to grow up, I couldn't fool around anymore. It was time for me to act like a mother." Says Lucy, looking down.

"And your family didn't help?" Asks Natsu. Lucy bites her lip. "I-i...well my grandmother Anna was helping for awhile and then...I pushed her away." Says Lucy playing with her hands.


Lucy shakes her head. "I can't tell you." She Says looking up. Natsu looked angry, but once he saw the look on her face it was replaced with sadness.

And then their waiter had to come and ruin the mood.

After they both ordered, silence was filled in the air again.

"I-I'm Sorry Natsu, I didn't mean it like that but...I can't let you know right now. We have to become closer since-"

"I understand, let's just forget about our pasts. Tell me about your children or something happier."

Lucy nods and tries to think back upon a story.

"Well, I have twins. One is a girl named Nashi. She's a lot like me, likes to write, and is also a bit immature at times. My sons name is Luke and he's so overprotective of her and me. He's quiet and gets into fights a lot, he also stays playing the guitar."

"Oh, he can play the guitar?" Lucy nods.

"He learned at ten. Nashi plays the piano. They both sing." She adds.

"Tell me more," Says Natsu. He loved just listening to her talk, seeing her giggle at certain things before even getting the sentences out, and even the way she moved her hair back every time it got in the way.

"Well, there was this one time...."


Around 2:30 there date had ended and Natsu found himself wanting to spend more time with the girl, but it was cut short by the sound of her phone ringing.

Lucy groans. "It's the school, I have to pick up." She Answers and Natsu nods.

"Yes, this is Mrs.Heartfilia..."


"They did," She Says placing a hand on her face.

"I'll be there soon." Says Lucy before hanging up.

"I'm sorry I have to go. The twins got into a fight over something stupid and-"

"It's fine go." Says Natsu understandingly. Lucy nods and smiles.

"Thank you, for today. I'll call you." She Says before walking away and at that moment Natsu felt like the happiest man alive.


When Lucy walked into the office, she was surprised to see Levy and Gajeel here, along with Gray and Juvia.

"What did you two do this time?" Asks Lucy referring to the two twins.

"Well, I did nothing except for trying to break up those two fight." Says Nashi pointing to Storm and Luke. Luke says nothing except for sitting there with an bored expression.

"The only reason we got to fighting was because you were acting like a jackass." Says Storm with a smirk.

"Actually I think it was you. Your the one who was-"

"Shut it Luke," Says Lucy, being totally annoyed at her son.

"Watch your language Storm." Says Juvia pulling her sons ear.

"What did you guys do?" Asks Levy, referring to her children.

"Oh, I'll totally own up for what I did," Says Grace a smirk coming upon her face.

"All I did was record the fight and somehow I get in trouble? Also, Gale didn't even do anything-"

"Hush!" Says their principal.

"Instead of suspending you your all in detention for three days. I hope you get along better down there. Dismissed."

Lucy sighs and grabs both of her children.

"I hope you know I was doing something very important when you two had to get in trouble." Says Lucy.

"But I didn't do anything! Luke just got all mad because somebody actually likes me." Says Nashi rolling her eyes. Luke says nothing and decides to pop his earbuds in.

Her children sure were...something.

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