Chapter Twenty: Realization

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987 Words (bad compared to my last chapters D:)
Date of Publication: June 30th, 2019
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John's POV
Wellston High School's Turf Wars Location, 11:07 PM

Joker gives no mercy.

I notice a difference in the girl now.

Before, her aura was weak and practically non-existent. Now, it's radiating off of her with lots of strength.

"Wow! It sure has been a while." She seemingly smiles, cracking her knuckles.

Seems like she's going to put up a bit of a fight. That doesn't matter though. I will always win.

She turns into a blur as she speeds towards me, arm lifted up, prepared to punch me.

Pathetic. This girl thinks she can beat me?

I won't fight blindly this time. Not because I don't want to beat her up, but because I'm going to enjoy every moment of this while conscious.

"You're so pitiful. Thinking you can take me down?"

"Let's help her. We can save tHe PiTiFuL cHiLd!!"

"Who are you? Whoever you are, shut up while I fight."

"John what's wrong with you? Normally you'd make a sarcastic comment."

Who the hell is 'John'?

I'm Joker.

I'm Shadow King.

Not John!

Oh crap I forgot about the slowpoke.

"YEAH BOIS SERAPHINA'S BACK!" A boy with mildly messy blonde hair and piercing blue eyes yells. He's standing in a divided up field. "THE HIERARCHY LIVES!!! hee hee hee!"

What's his problem?

"Come on, Chip! Do it! If you win, I'll give you another chance!" Claire cheers.

Another chance?

What'd I do this time?

The sumo girl's fist brushes my blue jacket as I move to the side, dodging.

"Huh?!" She gasps.

"You think you're so fast, huh?" I scoff, activating two abilities I'd kept safe for a while.

Not an just abilities, but mixed quirks.

This new invention of mine is a combination of Katsuki Bakugo's Explosion, and Izuku Midoriya's One For All.
A/N there's the bakugo I promised you. (you know who you are :))

"Chip watch out!"

I stop thinking about the quirks and see sumo chick flying at me again.

"Thanks, Choco!" I thank my braided friend.

I smile.

Ever since that one day Claire and I got ginormous ice cream sundaes, she calls me Chip, and I call her Choco.

I concentrate on my quirk mashup and start to enter full cowling mode.

Lighting travels around the outside of my body, along with small explosions.

The way I'm constructing this mashup power is a bit like a suit from a movie I watched with Claire, White Coyote. The protagonist in that movie had a suit that would use the damage he received, store it up, and when he chose to, the stored up power would be dealt in an explosion to the opposer.

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