Mission: Not Falling In Love With Him (17)

Start from the beginning

“And since you only care about yourself.” I said shaking my head.

“No, Nat, no—listen, I did everything I could.”

“Liar! You always lie! You never care!” I yelled.

“Why do you think you’re here then?! I care!”

“Bullshit!” I said throwing the broom away filled with rage. “I bet this is all part of the chase. Tell me, where’s the mic or the GPS chip, whatever you have to ruin us later. Is it in your leg?” I said going to the table and grabbing the bat.

“Nathalie!” Brian and Mike yelled at the same time. But I got to hit Brian again in the leg before Mike came forward. I fought with him to be set free.

“NO! Damn it! Is it in your arm?” I asked managing another hit in his arm. “Or is it in your head?” I finally free myself and raise the bat to swing but Mike grabbed it stopping me. “Where the hell are they?! What did you do?!”

“Nathalie, please…” Brian begged.

“Fuck you Logan!” I say punching him again and again my eyes filling with tears.

“Nathalie, you’ll kill him!” Mike said stepping forward grabbing me by the waist. I fought with him. I just wanted to hit Brian repeatedly and just… I wanted him to pay!

“I don’t care! I’ll kill him myself! Listen to me Brian! Look at me!” he raised his head slowly. A tear slipped off his eye when he saw me. And on top of everything he had the nerve to cry! Sure! Make it look real! “Whatever happened to them is going to happen to you.” I threatened him with as much venom as I could. “I’ll make sure of that.”

I freed myself and walked away mad at myself for not doing anymore damage. I should have. 

everyone tried to calm me down but just shoved them off and went upstairs kicking everything I could in the process. Kicking helps. though,  wished I could kick Logan instead of the boxing bag that was kept int he attic. I locked the door behind me and soon hear the pounding of several people begging me to come out and to calm down. Mike came at one point and he was the one who stayed the longer trying to calm me down. It didn't help. The more he said this wasn't doing any good and that everything was going to be alright, the madder I became. He gave up just like everyone else. 

I only focused on the bag and how hard I could kick it so whenever I saw Brian again I could do the same. 

Damn it! I've never been this aggressive!

But then again, it was Brian and he was hurting the people I loved all over again.

I heard the picking of the lock and turned to it in a frown. Logan came in the room pushing everyone that was outside who wanted in. He locked the door and turned to me leaning on it. 

"You're making quite the spectacle out there." I just stared point blank at him. He realized I wasn't in a funny mood and dropped the lazy smile. "They're all worried." I kept on staring and he took a hesitant step towards me. "Look, I don't know what happened and it's probably none of my business, but they've never seen you like this and they are all worried and about to kill Brian because Mike says he has something to do with it."

"Let them kill him." i said punching the bag again with less force. "He deserves it." I kept on punching but soon dropped it. I wasn't in the mood anymore. I walked to the far wall and sat down. Logan came and sat next to me.

"Whatever it is, you can't possibly do it alone, you need to let the help you."

"I made it here without their help, I can do it alone." I said stubbornly. I knew he was right and that at some point I had to let them help. 

Mission: Not Falling In Love With HimWhere stories live. Discover now