"Fine," I push past Tutah and head to the court.

Wad's POV

P'Prem is late. Maybe he was just humoring me when he agreed to come to play basketball with me. It is just basketball, so someone, please tell me why I am bummed by him not showing up. Why does it feel like I was stood up?

"Sorry," P'Prem says as he runs up, "I need to change. Don't leave. I will be right back."

He runs off before I can say a word. I place my hand over my heart. Why is it beating so fast? What is going on with me?!?

"I'm sorry I was late," P'Prem tells me when he comes back from changing as he puts his bag on the bench.

"Why were you late?" I ask, trying not to sound petulant, "A professor?"

"No," P'Prem catches the ball. I just passed him, "My friends."

"What about your friends?" I continue as I try to guard him.

"They staged an intervention," P'Prem laughs as he shoots and misses. "Shit! I told you I haven't played since high school."

"Yeah, yeah," I scoff. "Intervention? For what?" He is not as bad as he thinks he is. He can guard well.

"They wanted to know where I was going and with whom," P'Prem explains, blocking my shot and running it back out.

"What?" I am confused. "You are just playing basketball."

"Yeah," P'Prem answers, "I was sort of hiding it. Sweet!" He adds when he scores and catches the ball, throwing it out to me.

"Why?" I take a second to plan.

"Didn't want to play twenty questions with them," P'Prem grumbles as I get around him.

I shoot before he can block me. "That's three. I lead."

"Good game, P'," I comment, handing P'Prem a bottle of water

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"Good game, P'," I comment, handing P'Prem a bottle of water.

"You still beat me," P'Prem groans. "I can't believe I am this out of shape."

"You said you hadn't played in a while," I console my tired senior. "You didn't lose by much. I think you held your own pretty well."

"Stop sucking up, nong," P'Prem laughs. "I lost by ten points in the first game. Eight in the second and twelve in the last one. I sucked."

"Yeah, you did," I chuckle, "But it would be mean to rub it in."

"And this is you not rubbing it in?" P'Prem says, quirking an eyebrow.

"Yep," I beam.

"Are you going to participate in the Capture the Flag event?" P'Prem looks at me seriously. Where did this topic come from?

"Wouldn't it be weird for me to show up for that?" I ask. "I have thought about it, but I am just worried about how my classmates will see it if I just suddenly show back up at the end."

#SOTUS Continued: Book One A PremWad TaleWhere stories live. Discover now