Second Meeting

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The Xiaolin monks were training hard all day in the harsh cold winter season. Kimiko complained about the cold making her lips crack and dry, Raimundo and Clay groaned about the pinching stiff muscles in their fingers, the slow beginnings of frostbite, and Omi sat in a meditative state listening impatiently to what he considered to be timewasting chitter-chatter. It was a miserable day, unfortunately, miserable had become the new norm at the Xiaolin temple since winter began. The buildings were all covered in snow, the bedrooms had no insulation or central heating, neither did the rest of the temple, the water they used to take showers and for drinking was ice cold, and needless to say, training wasn't very pleasant either.

Kimiko, being the element dragon of fire, did what she could to help combat against the worse of the cold, but with so much to do and so little time, she couldn't keep up with winter's harshness. The cold wasn't their only problem. Jack Spicer, a constant thorn in their side, recently upped his game quite a bit and had been winning showdown after showdown. Left almost Wu-less, cold, and exhausted, the monks had just about given up.

Dojo slithered over to the group, shivering badly from the cold. "M-Master Fung would like t-t-to see you f-f-four," he said slowly, having trouble talking in the near below zero tempered courtyards.

The four monks looked at each other not sure if they should be scared or relieved. Pros: they got to go inside the temple where it was at least bearable to sit and talk. Con: Master Fung wanted to speak to them and he wasn't exactly known for being the bearer of good news. No matter, they weren't really in any position to ignore their master's request. Teeth chattering and limbs shaking, they followed the tiny dragon back to the temple.

Master Fung stood with his arms folded, a blanket draped over his shoulders. "Young monks..." he began, looking happier than h had in months. "We have a visitor."

"A visitor!?" the four Xiaolin warriors exclaimed at once.

"Yes." replied the elder monk shortly. "Please follow me. We would not want to keep them waiting."

The monks stood in shock for a moment before Dojo started bouncing up and down on the floor in front of them "You heard the man!" shouted the dragon. "Get moving, will ya?"

And so, they all ran after the wise old man with Dojo in tow. Excitement rushed through them. Finally a change, something good, something new! They rounded the corner of the hallway that led to the main entrance and stared at the visitor they had been told about with mixed emotions of awe and confusion.

"Everyone, this is Ms. Rajah." Master Fung stated, gesturing to the newcomer.

Their visitor stood at an impressive 6 feet tall with a curvy frame and well-built muscle. This Amazonian of a woman stands proud and graceful on legs that seem to go on for miles with darken-toned skin and freckles littering her cheeks. A black leather Stetson sits on top of her wild curly hair that hides the left side of their face. Another observant trait would be the raised scares that peeked from under the collar of her blue fitted half sweater and also around her waist and stomach area.

Except she was no visitor, they knew her.

"Evenin, "Raja says with a tip of her hat and a small smile at the four teens that have been gawking at her. She didn't mind. She was aware of her appearance and height. "Nice to see you four again."

"Ah, it is you!" Omi points out, as he's the first to speak after the initial shock passed. "Associate of Jack Spicer, what are you doing at the Xiaolin temple!? Down to no good perhaps!?"

Rajah laughed. "Still a livewire I see, Omi." She kneels to his level and boops his nose with a slender glove-covered finger. "And the phrase is up to no good, which I am not here for, kitten."

Omi opened his mouth, ready to object, blushing madly at being called a kitten, but Raimundo quickly butted in. "Then why are you here?" There was obvious distrust within his tone. Anyone who dealt with Spicer was always bad news.

Rajah noticed this and stood to her full height again, looking down at Raimundo. Not trying to be intimidating but understanding. "Hello to you too, Raimundo. An to answer your question, I believe Master Fung will be able to fill ya'll in on why I'm here."

Master Fung took that moment to finally speak up. "Seeing as introductions are not needed, let us move on to discuss some important matters."

The four monks look among their group with unease and sinking stomachs unsure of what was to come next.

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