Chapter III: Beloved Son

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The guests began arriving early the next day. Barons and noblemen and women from across Vale had come to Castle Heian to pay their final respects to the hero of the Great War. Guards on the ramparts watched as the many carriages passed through the portcullis, pulled by their large thoroughbreds. Out of the transports stepped the nobles dressed in fine silks; the women in elegant black dresses, the men in heavy, dark colored furs, despite the heat of the day. It seemed each new arrival was determined to be more finely dressed than the one before. Whenever there was a gathering of high society, everybody felt the need to flaunt their wealth, as if it were a competition. Today was no different.

Heian's scribe masters stood next to the Baron to whisper to him the names of the approaching nobles. They gave the lord of the fief their sympathies and were then bowed through the castle doors. The traveling escorts were escorted to the servants' quarters while the horses were led to the stables to drink from the troughs and eat the castle's supply of hay.

Several dozen knights trickled in amongst the swarms of nobles, set apart by their shining armor and large battle horses. They did not ride in carriages nor did they have servants in tow. They were generals and battle masters from throughout the kingdom, and amongst them were six soldiers whose bucklers bore the symbol of two crossed broadswords. They were the surviving Paladins, the elite knights that served directly under Sir Theseus' command during the war.

At noon a regal carriage flanked by a large procession of royal guards arrived at the gates that caused the soldiers on the ramparts to stir and blast their horns. The barons and knights hurried to stand in rows that created an aisle leading to the castle's entrance where the Baron stood. The coach driver jumped from his seat and hastened to open the door and pull out a set of stairs. Out of the carriage descended the King himself, followed by his Queen. The entire courtyard bowed at their presence, and the King and Queen walked between the rows and up to the Baron. The King placed a bracing hand on his shoulder and whispered to him words no one could hear, before the Baron walked them inside.

The last company arrived some twenty minutes later. It was a small collection of visitors, only three men. Each rode in on a horseback, the majestic beasts' milky white coats glimmering in the light of the sun. These were representatives of The Order of Varos. Two of the arrivals were donned in chasubles of canary yellow, marking them as high priests within the order. They flanked the third man. He was small in stature, his face thin and his beard peppered to the point where it was more white than black. His white vestment and pearlescent stole hid his frail physique. Despite his fragile appearance, it was obvious he was a man of great importance. He was the most revered and respected man in all of Vale, even more so than the King. He was the High Cardinal of The Order of Varos, the God of Light's chosen envoy. All bowed before him. And on bended knee, the King kissed the ring of the man that had appointed him ruler of Vale.

The drawbridge was raised, and the portcullis closed. The castle and courtyards emptied as all made their way to the castle grounds. The funeral was held within the gardens, amongst the well-trimmed hedges and pruned rosebushes. Rows upon rows of chairs had been set upon the cobblestone paths. The King, Queen, Baron, and the emissaries of The Order sat in the front row beneath the shade of the cherry blossoms. The rest of the guests were left exposed to the heat of the sun's rays.

The Baron said several words, then stepped down from the plinth to allow the High Cardinal to deliver the Light's final blessing upon Sir Theseus. When his exaltedness finished, a band began to play, accompanied by a choir that sang in the language of the ancients. At the head of the musicians stood (F/N), leading them through the requiem he had written to guide his brother to the next life. Sir Theseus' coffin was carried down the gap between the guests, bared by the Paladins, their armor shining beneath the light of the sun.

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