Part 2

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Naomi's P.O.V: 

Mena is for sure gonna get the role of Aladdin, look at him his smile almost made me forget hafe of my lines. 

" Mena, I have a good feeling about you " 

" you do " he asked, I could see the doubt in his eyes 

" I do, your acting is amazing. how do you do it " I asked 

" I just find a way to connect with the character, with Aladdin its easy we share a culture. he looked like me that's all I needed growing up. what about you and jasmine " he asked

"  our mother they both died so I just channel the way I felt then with jasmine's desire to please her mother " 

" it was really nice meeting you, Mrs. Scott " he said 

" please call me Naomi " 

"okay, Naomi " 

he walked away, but he did the very thing that I've longed for. he looked back for me and smile.


I entered my house. 

" Oliver, I'm home " 

he came down stairs in a tux 

" Naomi, how was the auditions " 

" there were some good ones but this guy Mena he was amazing " 

" was he. " 

" how was work babe " I tried to seem interested,  I've been Oliver's fiancé  for 2 years and its always the same thing nothing new 

" my patient, is having trouble cooping with the fact that his disease is incurable "

" that's horrible " 

" yeah but I'm pretty tired, night babe " 

" night, love you " 

" you to " instead of a regular kiss he kissed me on the forehead. I felt like his little sister 

I walked over to the greyish couch and got comfortable, and before I knew it my eyes became heavy 

MORNING: 5:15 

I felt hand shake me a bit " Mena " 

" no, I'm Oliver " 

" oh, yeah I must've feel asleep " I explained as he gave me a hug 

" I'm off to work, you should be to " he said closing the door 


Mena's P.O.V:

" MENA, there's someone here for you " I heard my sister yell 

I grabbed a black towel and cuffed it around my waist covering my....well you know, and rushed to the door 

" Naomi, w..what are doing here " 

" I..i thought id give you the good news in preson- is this a bad time "

" no, come in " 

I lead her to my room and went into the bathe room to fix my hair and get dressed. put on a pair of pants then went out into the room shirtless. 

" what did you wanna talk to me about " 


" your kidding "

" no " 

I pulled her in for a regular hug but something felt different. a spark between us I don't know what it was but I dismissed it for the excitement.

" so when do I start "

" tomorrow, and I wanna celebrite " 

" what about a movie " 

" sounds good could we watch Aladdin "

" you read my mind " she laughed at my corny joke we layed on the bed as I clicked on the TV. I scrolled through the movies and found Aladdin 

we were about 20 minutes in to the movie when Aladdin asks Jasmine to trust him.

" this is my favorite part " I smiled, " mine to" she said 

I looked at Naomi and I couldn't help but smile there was a glow to her that made me feel welcome and wanted I've never wanted her as much as I do right now. maybe this is fate the world telling me that she is my jasmine and I'm her Aladdin.

she turned to face me as I was caught staring. " what, do I have something on my face " 

" no. I uh" 

" Mena?" 

I bit my lip taking a leap of faith, I placed a hand on her cheek.

" mena " she whispered 

slowly I leaned and kissed her, I felt like I was flying like this was really supposed to happen. then I felt a tear on my cheek. I pulled away. 

" are you okay " I asked her eyes were still closed 

" Naomi" she opened her eyes, " I cant do this " her lips quivered in the sentence. she practically jumped out of the bed and didn't waste anytime getting out of my house. I guess I was wrong  

Breath//Menomi( mena massoud and Naomi Scott)Where stories live. Discover now