Part 10- Try and Try

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The auditions were scheduled to be held and Mrs. Sprikly was nervous . She never had done something like this. She made over 10 cheesecakes for the presentation but none turned out to be good. She was disappointed and was at the verge of giving up.

Just then Ana entered the kitchen twirling around - "Is everything set for tomorrow grandma?"

Hearing this she broke down and sat on the floor covering her face -" I don’t think I can do it. It's not my cup of tea." The next thing Ana could hear was the sobs.

Ana consoled her grandma - " What is this grandma. If don’t try how will you know,whether it's your cup of tea or not. You have come all the way by trying isn’t it? How can you give up at this stage. Listen to me, you are an inspiration to many women. You can't lose hope."

Mrs. Sprikly lifted her head up -" I have tried almost 10 cheesecakes , but none of them is worth presenting. What do I do now?"

"If you have failed ten times ,there is no harm in trying for the eleventh time. Don’t lose hope. Be confident and let's try once again. Come on, get up" - Ana wiped away her tears.

Both started to work again and this time the cheesecake turned out to be awesome. Maybe because this time Ana boosted Mrs. Sprikly's confidence.

Hope is always a thing that keeps people going. It's true that we always need someone to console and confide us.When there is hope , there is always a way.

Mrs. Sprikly kept looking at the clock anxiously.In half an hour, they would be leaving for the auditions. Her mind was filled with numerous thoughts. She wanted to achieve something in life.Maybe Ana was right,it doesnot matter whether you win or lose. Don't lose hope until you have learned something.
Mrs. Sprikly ,Jackson and Ana stood outside a huge brown painted building with 'M' on top of the building which was painted in white.  There was a beautiful garden with all kinds of flowers.The stairs where big and there were elevators.They got into the elevator and it took them to the next floor where the auditions were supposed to be held.

They got into the elevator and it took them to the next floor where the auditions were supposed to be held

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

They reached the venue. It was a large hall with counters consisted of a utensils and cooking ingredients.There were more than a  100 contestants. Mrs. Sprikly was nervous, she had a feeling maybe she won't make through the auditions. But whatever it is Ana's words were ringing in her ears -"What harm is there in trying?"

The contestants were called in a group of 10 according to their names alphabetically. They were given an hour to prepare their dishes. Ana and few others  sat just in front seats which were placed in the middle of the stage. They could have a view of what their loved ones were cooking. Mrs. Sprikly was paired in between few young girls and boys.  Just when the time was allotted all started hurrying to prepare their dishes.

Mrs. Sprikly had worked in the restaurant and she knew about time management. But, today she was so nervous and anxious her mind went blank sometimes.

The aroma was filled in the air. The contestants prepared different kinds of dishes to impress the judges. Their only dream was to get into the Master chef kitchen. Some were busy preparing cakes, some the starters , some with main course and many more. The time was running and they were busy with plating.

Only five minutes were left and Mrs. Sprikly still didn’t start her plating while others were all set to leave. Ana kept cheering her and when there was one minute left Mrs. Sprikly finally did it and heaved a sigh of relief.

She was the last one to be called. When she glanced  at her dish she was contended.But will the judges like her dish or will they mock her as others do?

Hello readers,

I wish I could be at the Master chef auditions just for the sake of tasting ( wink)!

Will Mrs. sprikly be selected ? Wish her luck !

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The Patisserie🎂🍰 (✔)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang