"Hey" I said walking up behind her

"Oh, Hey sorry I bumped into you" She said 

"Oh, don't be we bumped into you" I said then I thought about something to do for my birthday, I'm going to have a party and be undercover " Hey I was wondering, to makeup for bumping into you, Will you come to my birthday Party" I asked her

"Yeah sure" she said 

"Cool" I said "What time do you leave" I asked 

"8:30" She said 

"Okay I'll met you here at 8:30 so I can give you my number" I told her

Lucas walks up behind me as She walked away

"What were you doing" He asked me 

"I asked her to come to my birthday party, You wanna go" I asked 

"WHAT are were you thinking" He said

"That I didn't get her name" I said 

"Come on" he said laughing at me "And yeah I would like to go to your birthday party" he said smiling at me.

Soon we got to studio A and Miss. Abby started dismissing the group. Was I gone for that long.

"So Lucas nice to see you again" Miss. Abby 

Side cam

"Last time Lucas was on the show he on the Rotten Apples and had a really bad Attitude, Now from being at my studio he has a better attitude and dances WAY better" Miss. Abby said

end side cam 

After 35 minuets we had the dance about done

"Wow you too have a good dance connection and are very compatible so tomorrow well just clean it up and you're done" Miss. Abby told us. "Okay Lucas you may leave Star lets work on your solo"

"Okay" I said while Lucas gave me high five and walked out.

"Have fun" he said before walking out

"Okay, for your solo you have to be a bird" Miss. Abby told me "Your sister did this dance on her 14 birthday" Miss. Abby said 

"Really" I said smiling, My sister and I are really close so I'm happy to do a dance she once did 

"Yeah and she did it good, But I think you can do better then she did" Miss. Abby said grinning at me

"Then that's what I'm aiming for" I said

"Okay lets get started" Miss. Abby said 

With the Moms/ Saige POV

"I feel like Lavish is only getting special treatment because Saige danced for Abby and was her favorite" Joanne said 

"Here we go" Michelle

"Don't start talking about  La-"  Tricia Started but I cut her off.

"Don't say anything" I said, Suddenly a woman came up the stairs

"Hi I'm Lucas's mom I just wanted to introduce myself to Lavishes Mom and all of you, So Hello I'm Bridgette" She said

"Hi Bridgette I'm Lavishes sister, Saige, our mom is not available" I said getting up to shaking Bridgette's hand 

"Oh" She said understanding. "Where will I be sitting tomorrow"  She asked changing the subject 

"You can sit next to me" I told her 

"Okay i'm going to go, i have to get Lucas home" Bridgette said walking down the stairs. Looking back to smile at us.

"I hope Abby isn't  going to make him apart of the team because we don't need another boy on the team, let along a 17 year old" Erin said "I wouldn't be comfy with my daughter dancing with an older boy" She finished  

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