Chapter 4

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I awaken to the sound of my alarm. Groaning, I stand up and slowly make my way to the shower. My mom sits on the living room couch drinking a cup of coffee. Freddy is still heard snoring throughout the house. Mojo trots down the hall along with all of the other animals. Mom let's them outside and I shut my bathroom door. After a hot shower and get dressed for work. I work at Wal-Mart. I know it's not the best place but I get paid just enough to cover my expenses. After all, new years is just around the corner.

I tell my mom goodbye and slowly make my way to work. Work goes pretty well. Costumers flow in and out. Today is a slow day. I've only had about fifteen people come through. My boss let's me leave early because we don't have much people. As I'm clocking out my phone dings.

Justavious tate has sent you a message. I finish clocking out and unlock my phone to read the message. 
"If you didn't want to text my phone I totally understand. We can just talk here if that's more comfortable for you" the message read. Crap I totally forgot to text him. I quickly write back. "No it's okay. I just ended up getting busy. Here's my number. Text me?"

About ten minutes later I receive a text message saying "Hey. It's Justavious! 🖐🏽" with an emoji of a waving hand. I smile and write back. "Hey." I walk outside to my car and drive home. My phone dings twice. I  glance down smiling after seeing it was a message from him again.

Soon I get home and I walk straight to my room, phone in hand. I shut my door and slowly get dressed in pajamas. I unlock my phone and read what he's sent me. "Do you want to call? I would love to get to know you." He sends in the first message.

"We don't have to if you're not comfortable though. I'm okay just messaging you here." He says in the second message. I reply back saying, "Sorry it took me a minute to respond. I was at work. I would love to call you but can it wait until tommrow? It's kinda late and I'm tired."
Less then a minute later he responds saying sure. We continue to text about what our goals are. He's 18 and he attends Mississippi State university. He loves the color maroon and he loves the show shameless. We have a lot in common. I tell him goodnight and I drift off into a deep sleep.

Sweat drips down my back as I run. I'm running again. Far away from him. His green eyes traumatize me. His heavy breathing behind me blocks out any other noise. Tears stream down my face. Please, God help me. I can't get him catch me. Leaves crunch under my sneakers and twigs brush my sleeves. His laugh echoes off of the bare trees surrounding me. The trees look as if they have been twisted away vr8m me in. Even forest I'm running in looks terrified. My entire body feels as if it's on fire. I feel fear creep up my back and attack my arms. My legs are shaking but I can't stop. His green eyes have been burned into my skull. He can't have me. I won't let him. A twig snatches my sleeve and cuts into my arm. Blood pools on my sleeve but i keep moving. Suddenly everything is quiet. All i can hear is my own breathing and the leaves crunching under my feet. I look behind me and sigh in relief. He's not following me. I keep running through. As I turn to face forward his hands grab my arms and I'm shoved to the ground. He leans forward and whispers grimly in my ear, "Caught you.". His wicked laugh then sounds off of the trees as if they are laughing with him. I scream.
~end of dream~
I wake up covered in sweat. I'm having those dreams again. It seems they plan to stay this time. My hands shake and my body shudders. I hate them. I look at the time. It's four am. I have two hours before I have to wake up and get dressed for school. After an unsuccessful hour of trying to fall back asleep I just end up watching Netflix until I have to be awake for school. I shower, wake up my siblings and head to school. It's December 18th and it's semester exam day. After today I'll be out of school for Christmas break. First block goes by slow because of the hag Mrs. Gatlin. Courtney passes me answers to the exam because if I don't pass I wont graduate. After over an hour of pure hell the bell rings, and I head to the office to check myself out. After exams you can leave the school but you have to check yourself out. Courtney follows me.

"So, how's the app been so far?" She asks grinning. I laugh. "Its been okay actually. I've been talking to this guy named, Justavious. He's super sweet. He's really thoughtful." I reply smiling. Courtney laughs. "So, you, my heartless friend has finally got feelings for someone." She giggles. I laugh. "Yea bro. Possibly." I grin.

"It's about time. You isolate yourself from people because of what happened in tenth grade but I'm glad you're finally getting out there. I love you babe" she says. I smile and nod. After checking myself out I walk home. It gives me time to think. Maybe I should call him when I get home. Maybe this guy could be the one. I don't know. Maybe I'm just getting ahead of myself. Maybe I'll just dip before it gets too real.  My mind is flooded with so many thoughts. I enter my house and fix myself some food.

Too soon three o clock rolls around and the kids are home. They do their chores and speak briefly with me. Mom is packing her bag for tommorow.  I wash my work colthes and eventually 3 turns to 5 and Freddy is home. Mom cooks dinner and we all eat together. Nothing is really said and soon it's 6. I'm heading to my room when my phone dings.

"Hey" Justavious sends to me in A message. I reply saying "hi. " we talk about random things until about seven. I glance at the clock bite my lip. Should I ask him to call? Should I even pursue this guy? Thoughts consume me until I make a decision.

"Do you want to call? I've got a few minutes." I ask. He replies quickly saying sure. My phone rings. Incoming call from Justavious Tate. My phone reads. I take a deep breathe and answer.

"Hello?" I say.

"Hey" a deep voice responds. Here goes nothing.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2019 ⏰

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