"I don't know love" I answered while shaking it.

"Let's open it!" Tae said taking it from me and I looked at him happily.

In the package there was a videotape and in the front of the letter it read "watch it first", all of us being curious took the videotape and we put it in the TV.

It was a black screen at first but then a tall figure that looked like a woman took the camera and we could see who it was, Tzuyu, she was looking at the camera and then she smiled and started talking.

"Hello, hello Jeon, you might be wondering where are we or what are we doing, turns out I've met your enemy. The one that killed that miserable bitch called Rose"

What the fuck! Everyone was silent Jimin and Lisa glaring at her for insulting Rose. She then continued.

"I was thinking about my past and I remembered me and Lisa's relationship and of course me and Jungkook's relationship, since that one lasted one week I am not affected at all by it, but Lisa's, that relationship was long!! We were together for three years!!! THREE YEARS FOR FUCKS SAKE!!"

She screamed looking pissed at the camera making Lisa roll her eyes and Jennie to get pissed, also it made Taehyung giggle.


This was getting weird. Tzuyu was getting triggered over something that happened too long ago.


She then calmed down, removed her tears and continued with a fake smile.

"I started investigating about your "mafia" and I found out that you had a mother in your group of girls. I sent Joy to kill her and to bring me the child that was forgotten by Rose. I took her from the government saying all that bullshit about being a good mother bla bla bla, her name is Jung Alaia here she is!!"

She directed the camera to a big cage, like the ones you put aggressive shit on, she then opened it and from the dim lights and all the disgusting fluids on the cages floor a little, pale, dehydrated girl came out, her body covered in scars and her cheeks tainted with tears. I felt how Taehyung's breath hitched and I looked around to see the terrified faces of all my mates.

It was disgusting.


"H-hello L-lisa"

Tzuyu then pushed the child back to the cage and closed it ignoring the whining.

"I've become allies with the Red Velvet mafia and Xiumin, who by the way wants to tell Taehyung something"

She then and gave the camera to Xiumin who smirked devilishly, I looked over to Taehyung who had his eyes glued to the screen.

"Taehyung, hello! I wanted to tell you that you are a bitch, well not you, V is. When we were younger, we hooked up, but you didn't seem to remember. I investigated you and I found out about V. I want V but not for being my sex slave, I want him as my weapon. Sadly, I've seen that V hasn't come out in a long time and I found out a way to make V be permanently in your body and I will use it when I have my hands on you"

Xiumin smirked and Taehyung visibly gulped and turned to me, letting me see that the gulp wasn't from Taehyung, but V.

"Jeon mafia be careful because we will have what we want and we will kill ANYONE that comes to stop us, we've already killed my parents and Xiumin's parents, but of course we haven't killed Xiumin's baby sister she is being raised by me to become Lisa's daughter. Until next time, BYE BYE HAHAHAAHAHAHHA"

The TV turned black and all of us turned to look at each other. Jennie had tears in her eyes and Lisa was pissed, Jimin was shocked, Hoseok was angry like Yoongi, Namjoon was comforting a crying Jin and I was hugging Taehyung tightly.

"Guys we should read the letter" said Lisa making all of us jump scared.

We all took the letter, I opened it and inside there was a picture of Chanyeol and Baekhyun holding hands covered in blood, then in black letters it read

"Did you know he was your brother Taehyung?"

I looked at Taehyung that was shedding tears and then. Just on cue the doorbell rang. There stood was Gary with a pale face and he uttered words that no one wanted to hear.

"Mr. Jungkook they took... "Gary said but I caught him off "WHAT?" I screamed panicking 

"They took..." he said out of breath

"WHO? WHO DID THEY TOOK?" I asked panicking even more

"T-t-the t-twins" Gary said stuttering in fear

"WHICH TWINS??" I scream going near him

"Huh?" Gary asked confused looking at me

"THE BOY TWINS OR THE GIRL TWINS??" Namjoon screamed sweating from all the panic

"W-well I have the triplets and the girls in the car, t-they are all sleeping" Gary said looking at us confused

All our faces dropped

"They got my sons" Hoseok said

Hello my dudez
Sorry for disappearing :(
I am sad to say that Madly in Love is ending and is going to end on a high peak
I am love this story and I don't want it to end.
Love all of u readers and thank u for 3k
Stay tuned for the next episodes, also go check up my other fanfic The Experiment which is also pretty interesting
Love lots

(Edit: It's crazy how when I was writing this at that time it was at 3k and now it's at 17k, I really love you guys. ANYWAYS hope you are enjoying this :) )

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