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All I saw was a bright light I didn't know where I was being taken I just knew that I was safe, finally after all the miseries and troubles I saw a familiar face walking towards me. As she made her way she lifted her white hood , was I in heaven? It sure felt like it
"Grandma" I ran like there was no tomorrow and embraced her tightly. "Sweetie, your time isn't up yet you haven't accomplished the tasks of life". "But grandma - she silenced me and told me to sit beside her I couldn't believe we were once reunited I knew this was going to be a short time so I had to make the most of it.
"Grandma please can I stay with you, no one likes me, mom dad and Michael and everyone else hates me. Who would like a moody, miserable person like me constantly dampening other people's mood" at this point I was sobbing buckets.
"Nonsense, child what have I raised you to be positive. Right? Michael loves you I can see it in his eyes and as for your parents that's unconditional love pumpkin. Now go out to the world and make me proud beware there are snakes you need to dodge my time is up ... I love you.

And with a cloud of white smoke she disappeared. I tried to reach out and grasp onto it but that still didn't change anything she was gone and I had acknowledged my surroundings. I don't know what I was going to do and where life was taking me but in the words of Toni Braxton 'let it flow'....

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