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I love her but she don't deserve someone like me. I know it's the most stupid decision that I'll ever do for the rest of my life but this is the best for the two of us.

Nandito ako sa lugar kung saan nagsimula ang lahat saamin ni lyka. Dito rin pala sa lugar magwawakas ang lahat. Lahat ng masasayang alaala ay saksi ang lugar na to. Lyka is my girlfriend for almost 2 years, she's the  treasure that I want to keep for myself but I know I can't. This park takes a big part in our life.

Natanaw ko siyang paparating sakin, she's so damn beautiful when she smile and I want to hurt my self for I know that I'll be the reason for that smile to vanish.

Lumapit sya sakin and she hug me tight, I don't want this moment to stop. She looked at me and then smile "Oh prince, bat parang ang tamlay mo, na miss mo ko no ?.  Happy 2nd Anniversary prince,  I love you". I love you too, that's what I wanted to say but I choose to stay silent.

She hand me a necklace and I just look at it as she said.

"This is my gift for you, so that if you miss me you just have to touch the pendant, I also have a necklace like that, look !".  she show me her necklace, tinago ko ang kwintas sa bulsa ko.

I can see her eyes sparkle, she's so happy and I want to beat myself because I'll hurt her, I'm trying hard to fight the emotions that starting to build inside me.

"We should stop this lyka. I don't love you anymore." I can see hurt written in her face.

"Huh?,  w-what are you talking about prince, are you making fun of me ?" She said, I can see tears continuously falling from her eyes as she tries to convince herself that I'm just lying.

"No! Can't you understand, I want this relationship to end, I want you out of my life, I don't love you anymore!". I shout at her, damn it hurts the hell out of me knowing that I made her cry like that.

"B-bakit m-mo ginagawa sakin to, ano bang nagawa ko ha? Prince, s-sorry na, please don't do this to me." she cry while looking straight through my eyes.

I compose myself before I started talking. "Can you just stop crying like a pathetic girl infront of me. Don't be stupid! I don't love you anymore, so let go." she stayed silent for seconds before she looked at me and fake a smile.

"S-sige, i-if that's what you want then be it. By the way Happy 2nd Anniversary again, I wish this will make you happy. I love you prince, always remember that. " she said then turn her back at me and started walking, by the sight of that I watch as my world fading away from me .

I may be selfish for doing this, but for now I know this will be the best decision for me, for us. My father's word stuck in me, how can I gave her a better future if  I'm nothing . I'm worthless. I want to be successful so that I can be worth it to be with lyka, I want to prove my father that I deserve lyka and I deserve his trust as a father. I have done many miatake in my life, I've disappointed my father so much that he thinks I'm not worth enough for the girl I love so much. Lyka is too perfect for a worthless man like me, someday when I become successful I'll find her, to be with her, for the rest of my life.

I can feel my tears falling from my eyes.

I promise when every thing is fine, I'll find her and I won't let her go anymore.

I hope it's not too late when that day comes.

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⏰ Última atualização: May 11, 2021 ⏰

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