Chapter 7

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Hey people:) this is the newest chapter:) i hope you like it:) votes and comments please


Chapter Seven

“Your Asha?” I say slowly and questioningly my heart still racing

“Indeed I am how may I help you.” she says and adds “Sorry about Kaisha she’s a hunter and she isn’t used to.. Guests”

On that note The animal hisses at Brian who returns it with a cold glare.

“ I noticed.” I say coldly

“Well we need your help Asha.” Isabella says her voice sure. Cutting me off. “We need to get her father back.”

“Why do you need me for such a small task?” she asks

“We need a plane and a protector.” Isabella answers her grey eyes sure

“A protector heh?” she says with the slightest bit of a Russian accent.

“Yes protector.” Isabella says and raises one perfect eye brow “Interested?”

“I have to much work to do.. No no no far to much work.” Asha answers “I say no.”

“Please Asha I need your help.” I say a hint of begging in my voice “They took him and my brother as ransom to get me. Because they think I hold all the power in the world or something.”

“So Its true?” she says quietly to herself. Then louder “Who is them?”

“Vypers their leader tried to kill me personally, Lorkan.” I add “please Asha I need you.”

“Lorkan you say?” she says a hint of madness and interest strikes her voice

“Yes Lorkan she took them.” I say and I get an idea “But since your so busy I’m sorry to have wasted your time good day.”

I turn around and start walking “Com’on guys lets go.” Everyone follows behind confused

“Wait.” Asha’s sharp voice makes me turn around “I will go. I will finally have a chance to kill Lorkan after all these years.”

“Then com’ on.” I say and then look at Kaisha “She can come too--”

Ethan cuts me off “ No no. She almost killed you!”

There is a twinkle in Ashas eyes “Fine maybe a more small defenseless animal then?” she pressed on a blue collar around Kaishas neck and Kaisha turns into a weasel right before my eyes a small black weasel.

“Wow.” I hear Alyss say behind me. It was like she forgot that this thing almost went after her. “Can I hold it?”

“I don’t know.” she says then the weasel goes running to Alyss and climbs on her shoulder.

“I think she likes me.” Alyss says with a smile and pets it softly

“Okay” he says reluctantly. “we have to get going to Marks house.” Ethan says and starts heading back with everyone behind him.

“Okay. Be careful with her. She’s very fragile in that form.” I hear Asha say from behind me

“I will” Alyss says and pets its head softly “besides who would want to hurt this little guy?”

“Everyone.” Asha says quietly to herself a hint of sadness in her voice

“Why?” I ask her as I fall behind everyone to stand by her

“Her brother Koda was captured by Lorkan and Kaisha never saw him again.” Asha explains “Koda was Kaisha’s last remaining family and Lorkan is the one who took your family, I’m not going to let her destroy yours. But everyone wants to kill Kaisha because she and her brother are both very special and now that Koda is gone all people have to do is kill her.” Asha says sadly “Lorkan has ruined enough families and I wont let her destroy your life too.”

“Asha that’s very honorable.” I say searching for the right words “I’m sorry about your loss. That must’ve been horrible.” I looks at her pale face and she looks straight ahead then I look at the ground

“Yes but life will go on I suppose.” she says as we come to the edge of the forest

“ I suppose so.” I say quietly

“Haley we’ve got to get this done.” Isabella says I realize Alyss and I are the only people not in the car.

“coming be right there.” I say and get in the now crammed car

“Not a lot of room in the car.” Asha remarks

“not sorry not that much.” I say sorrowfully and apologetically “it was Ethan’s idea to drive this car.”

“Hey that’s not fair.” Ethan says with a smirk and a twinkle in his eye “Its fast it’ll hold for now.”

“Ha!” I mock him teasingly “Yeah once we get cooper and mark we will have sooo much space!”

“Ha ha very funny Haley.” he says teasingly. Alyss rolls her eyes and looks at Kaisha.

“Okay lets get this show on the road” Isabella says and smiles.

I smile slightly then I look outside the window. I lean on Brian slightly and close my eyes and think. Just a couple days ago I was fighting with my dad to get the groceries. Just that long. I sigh. It seems like so long away.


What happens next? :) yo utell me:)

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