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"Oh, how quickly information gets by is beyond me" Juliet mumbled leaning on her palm as she sat with Aniya and Maya at the lunch table

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"Oh, how quickly information gets by is beyond me" Juliet mumbled leaning on her palm as she sat with Aniya and Maya at the lunch table. Aniya chuckled looking up from sketching another page full of the wolves.

Juliet had peered down to the book and furrowed her brows; she and Maya had talked about how there had to be a reason why she was sketching the boys.

She was not an imprint of any of them, that they knew as much, that there connection, but none of them knew what it was.

Maya went on a rant about how it's definitely Jacob since most of the drawings were him, but they've locked eyes before and there was no hint of imprinting whatsoever.

Juliet hated having the same hope that it was possible, knowing how her friend felt about Jacob despite not knowing why they even disliked each other since no one ever wanted to talk about it. It was like a subject that was so bitter and horrible that it was taboo to even talk about.

So, Juliet respected it not to question not wanting to destroy her friendship and trust with Aniya.

"Tell me about it, you literally told me about it on the phone just this weekend, and somehow I'm starting to believe someone in school has our houses bugged at this rate" Aniya muttered as she continued to sketch unconsciously

"You and me both" Maya agreed as she ate her lunch," How do you think they found out?" She turned to Juliet asking

"Someone probably saw us at the beach yesterday"

"Well there you go" Aniya shook her head," Someone saw you together and thus, was born the story of Romeo and Juliet"

"Yeah, I prefer it not to be compared to that, as much as I love the screenplay" Juliet cringed," The ending is not how I want mine to be" She quickly retorted making the girls chuckle at her.

"I'm happy for you Juliet" Aniya smiled looking at her, but was cut off when the boys came over to their table making her mood drop as the seat next to her was occupied by the one and only person she absolutely despise-Jacob Black.

Aniya quickly snapped her sketchbook close for them not to see.

"You actually said something nice to someone" Jake teased making her rolled her eyes

"Juliet why is there a pest sitting next to me?" She said sardonically completely ignoring Jacob's comment.

Juliet looked to Embry who smiled kissing her head," He's a stray that follows Seth and I" He mocked making Jacob frown.

Seth leaned over from next to Maya," Sorry about that Aniya, the others are not here today, so we couldn't just leave him alone" He said apologetically.

As much as Aniya disliked Jacob she knew how it felt being alone and she wouldn't want that even for her own greatest enemy," Right, yeah" She brushed off and then reached a hand over to Embry," I'm Aniya Majorie by the way"

Embry smiled shaking her hand," Embry Call, glad to finally have met Juliet's childhood friend, heard a lot about you"

"Great things I hope?" She joked making the couple laugh

"Always, Aniya"

Juliet retorted jokingly making said girl grin," So, can we hear the tale of your Summer romance?" Embry and Juliet were taken by surprise by her question as they looked at each other and back to the four who all had the same look of wanting to hear it as well.

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