24.) R.I.P. Dad

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JaNaye Simone Winters

Yesterday was fun. I had fun with Mama Sheila at the waterpark.

We took the girls and we had a blast.

I mean we stayed at the waterpark all day yesterday.

Then came home and ate crawfish and shrimp.

When i say we were full, tired, and wore out. That's exactly what I mean.

Today we was at Mama Sheila house just lounging around.

I kept having this gut feeling.

One that was telling me something wasn't right.

I tried to shake the feeling so I could enjoy my day but I just couldn't.

"Jay! You aight?" Chaylin asked.

"Yea I'm okay." I replied.

"Wanna paint each other nails?" She asked.

"Yea. I want green." I told her.

She ran into the room and got the nail polish.

She started painting my nails as we talked about the girls at her school.

And how they all stared at August when he came to pick her up.

"They want leave me alone about him. They be like 'chaylin your uncle so fine' and 'girl lemme spend a night atcho house' I be finna throw up." She said and I giggled.

"Yea I would throw up too." I said.

Just in the middle of us laughing my phone rang.

I answered the phone and it was my mother she sounded like she was crying.

"Ma what's wrong?" I asked nervously.

"S...simone You have to come home." She cried.

She never called me Simone unless it was serious.

I was only Simone when my grades were bad, when someone has died, and when my mommy found out something I did and hadn't told her get.

"Mommy what's wrong?" I asked again.

"Its your f...father...." I cut her off.

I knew what those next words would be.

"Nooooooo....he can't be....Mommy chill. This aint funny." I cried.

Now Mama Sheila, Amaiya, and Kayden where in the living room listening to me cry.

"Babygirl, he's gone. He had lupus. It spreaded to his brain." I screamed and cried harder.

I dropped the phone and cried.

My Dad couldn't be gone.

How could he leave me like this.

When I left a week ago he was perfectly fine.

Why hadn't no one told me he had lupus.

I cried until I felt a pair of masculine arms wrap around me.

I opened my eyes and it was August.

"He's gone August." I started repeating and hitting his chest.

He rocked me for a good while until fell asleep.

August Alsina

"Ma. Ima take her to her family." I informed.

"Okay but you stay wit her. She's gonna need you now more than ever." She spoke.

I nodded and picked Jay up.

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