Iidayama fluff request!

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Requested by Saltyassshipper
I hope you enjoy!

It had been a long day in class. Everyone was tired from training, and just wanted to sleep. Except Iida, of course. He wanted to stay up and study. Aoyama was having none of it. "Please, love? We can stay up an extra hour tomorrow studying, but right now, I just want to cuddle!" He whined, tugging at Iida's arm like a five year old. "Please?" He gave Iida a look he knew the taller couldnt resist and poked his bottom lip out. "Dont give me that look, Yuuga.." He whined back. He knew full well that he couldnt resist it. "I promise. And.. we can do whatever we want on saturday..~" Aoyama had gotten good at this. He knew a side of Iida that no one else did. It was dominating, and powerful, and lustful, and.. Aoyama adored it. "Please baby?" Iida finally gave in. "Fine, we can go cuddle." And with that, he was dragged to his dorm, the door shut and locked, and tackled onto his bed by none other than the blonde he loves so dearly.  "Thank you amour." He purred out. "I love you too, Yuuga."

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