We won.

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At sanctuary everyone was celebrating. Claptrap was spinning records. Brick and Mordecai were drinking. Axton and Salvodor were arm wrestling with the commando losing. Lilith and tiny Tina were having a tea party. Moxxi was making lots of money off of patrons drinking. Tannis was locked in her office after arguing about how little social interaction she needed. Everyone was celebrating in the middle of town. Well almost everyone. Krieg was sitting on the edge of sanctuary in front of scooters garage. He sat there looking at the stars as he and himself talked. "SKY PRETTY!" He said loudly with happiness. "Not as pretty as blue tattoo lady though." 'Haha you got that right buddy.'

"Hey killer." Krieg looked back over his shoulder to see Maya walking towards him.

"Hello pretty lady." Krieg said happily once again as she smiled sitting next to him. 'I wish I could take over and tell her.'

"Why are you out here Krieg?" Maya asked as she looked at the stars with him.

'Tell her that it was too crowded and we had to get away.' "Too many people. We couldn't think." Krieg said as he stared at Maya.

"What do you mean we?" Maya asked confused and she looked back at him.

'Tell her about me. Please.' "Voice in head. One that told me save you. That's we." Krieg said looking down at the ground miles below.

"You mean there's a part of you that can control you?" Maya asked confused as Krieg shook his head.

'No.' Krieg said in a normal voice which surprised maya. 'Tell her I only speak to you. You just don't listen.' Maya stared in shock. 'Oh no she's staring. What did you say krieg?'

"You sound normal." Maya said as Krieg raised his eyebrows in surprise. "You don't sound like a psycho."

'Am I taking control again?' Krieg asked himself as from within his mind he heard his psycho sound. "SALT THE WOUND!"

"Do you mean that you can tell me stuff that makes sense?" Maya joked as Krieg and her laughed. "You have such a beautiful laugh." She put her hand over her mouth in embarrassment.

'And your more beautiful than a thousand suns.' Krieg said putting his hand over hers. She blushes slightly before she heard someone.

"Hey guys what are you 2 doing here?" Axton asked drunk holding multiple lagers.

"Go away you're drunk." Maya said axton laughed as he dropped some of the larger and left. "Do you really mean it though?"

'Yes. More than anything.' Krieg said while putting his hand on her cheek. He then took his hand away looking at the sky sadly. 'But it would never work.'

"Why do you say that?" Maya asked as he looked back at her.

"PRETTY LADY!" Krieg shouted before smacking his face. 'That's why.' Maya made a soft smile on her face before she lifted his mask to see a scarred face.

' Maya made a soft smile on her face before she lifted his mask to see a scarred face

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She smiled more and held his cheeks before pulling him forward kissing him. A loud cheer startled them. They looked back to see most of sanctuary staring at them in happiness. Krieg picked Maya up and held her bridal style as he kissed her again. She then picked up their bottles of alcohol and started to drink one while helping Krieg drink the other. People started to cheer them on before Maya got an idea. She whispered into kriegs ear causing him to smirk with a blush. He carried her to her room. For the rest of the night no one saw Krieg or Maya but many heard them. Mostly Maya. Mostly the phrase harder. You understand what I'm saying?

I'm talking about them having sex!

Elsewhere on pandora. Specifically the thousand cut mountain. Sorta.

At night the lights of fireworks were seen all over flying above the floating city of sanctuary. Many of the slabs on a thousand cuts were celebrating themselves by getting drunk and killing one another. Across from them stood the mountain of the bunker. The mountain that held the death of Roland and Angel. Inside Roland's body lay dead. Jack never removed it since he crossed Roland's name out if the respawn list. Inside the bunker a hooded figure stepped over the body to get to the edrium pumps. The figure climbed up and looked inside the pump finding leaking glowing edrium. The figure smiled with relief before pulling out a vile and scooped up some. The figures arm glowed white as it came into contact with the edrium. After collecting enough the figure jumped down and held out their hands putting one on Roland's body before disappearing in a white vortex like how lilith teleported sanctuary. Outside the bunker was a rock grave with Angels body. It sat at the elevator leading to the bunker. Right next to the grave was a New U station. It shook to life as angels grave started to digitalized before a light appeared in front of the new u station with a person starting to spawn. After the light subsided Angel was standing there before passing out. The figure that was previously inside appeared and grabbed a passed out angel and teleported else where.

Back at sanctuary in the Morning.

In the Morning maya was waking up to an empty bed. She sighed thinking it was a dream before hearing the shower. She smirked and looked in seeing a steamy shower with the outline of Krieg. She bit her lip with a naughty idea and opened the shower curtain surprising him. "Room for one more?"

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