chapter 4

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Sophie's POV

What the hell fucking prick shit fuck arsehole what do u do I cant quit cause my mum would lose her job ah fuck hes a prick I hate him how he smirked at me when he new I couldn't argue with him urggg, it was 5 in the evening I was ready to go home when there was a knock on the door Danone came in "barge in why dont you" I thought he stopped and looked at me raising an eyebrow "what did you say" he said shit shit I said that out loud, "nothing" I said umm he said " come I'll drop you off home" he said, really he having a laugh "no thanks" I said getting annoyed bloody bipolar "I wasnt asking sophie" he smirk urgggg arsehole I got up and walked out bumping into him on purpose he chucklee and led me to his car he opened the door for me I got in saying nothing, he walked around and got into his side and drove me home, the car stopped outside my house I was about to get out when he grapped my wrist I paused "ill se you tomorrow 8 sharp" he said urgg I snatched my hand back and got out he winked at me and drove off prick who he think he is, "oh I'm the big bad billionaire you have to obey me or there be consequences" I thought yh consequences my arse urggggg I'm pissed I cant tell my mum about this cause she will worry and I dont want that so I opened my front door and unlocked it I walked in and closed my door and signed, deciding to have dinner I cooked noodles and ate thinking what a shit day, after dinner I went to bed "urgg hope tomorrow will be a better day" I thought then fell asleep.

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