Part- 9 Working as a chef

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"Can you please pass me those dry fruits ,Reema?" -spoke Eza from across the counter.

"Yes, here you go". Reema threw the packet and it hit the counter.

"Hurry up, we need to finish everything before five " - Mrs. Sprikly spoke with strokes of worry on her forehead.

"Yeah, we are almost done madam" - the whole bunch of assitant chefs spoke in unison.

For almost half and hour there was hustle and bustle. It seemed like white caps were running everywhere around the kitchen to finish up the dessert to be served for about 150 people tonight for a party.

As they started finishing up the desserts , they started lining them in large white trays with plastic covers over them and laid them on the counters. They rang the bell and in no time a group of waiters gathered around and picked up each tray and left .

"I am proud of you all. It was a very difficult task , but we made it. Thank you everyone." -Mrs. Sprikly spoke wiping her forehead.

"You are welcome madam. And we are glad to be working around you. " -chuckled Henry, the leader among them.

Mrs. Sprikly had started working as a chef and it had been six months. She enjoyed her work and all the other chefs, loved working under her.She made sure everybody was comfortable and guided them well. She had also learned a lot. She learned the names about few ingredients which she never heard about. Though, she seemed to forget it often, she made a habit to write down the name of the ingredient and its use in a dish. She used to write down the recipe for every dish she prepared and hung it on the notice board near the kitchen door and explained the assistant chefs well. She also made sure to show them a cooking demo first and always looked forward for their suggestions and opinions.The day when she wore her chef coat and hat was the happiest one. She was so overwhelmed that she touched her hat again and again to make sure it wasn't a dream.

The Patisserie🎂🍰 (✔)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz