Nae was about to say something back but someone bumped into her causing her look to see who it was.

"Oh im sorr— oh never mind its just you eww oh hey QD" the girl said causing Nae to roll her eyes and flip her off.

"Nae you know you dumb as fuck this nigga cheated on you and you still talking to him yeah you a dumb bitch." The girl added while laughing.

"You might wanna mind your business bitch, and call me out my name again i dare you." Nae told the girl while walking up to her. While Quincy still had a hold on her arm.

"Bitch calm down clown ass" the girl said to Nae. With that being said Nae punched the girl in her mouth and was trying to have a full on fight but Quincy still had her other arm and he used that to pull Nae back before it got any further.

He pulled Nae to where his car was and got on side of the car because he knew she wasn't going go get in.

"Calm down ma" he told to Nae she always loved when he called her ma but right now she only want him to call her by her name. He tilted her head up so he could see her face and noticed she was crying. It breaks his heart when he see her crying especially because of him.

"See this the shit i be talking about you got me out here looking fucking stupid you got people in my business cause you wanna go and do some dumb shit" she said as the tears flowed down her eyes while she started to hit him.

"I just don't get it I don't fucking get it im always there for you, i love on you, i was there for you when got shot, i cook for you, i cleaned for you, and you know damn well if you wanted to have sex i would have sex with you but i guess aint nunna that shit good enough cause you still had to go to another bitch to get pussy, my shit must just be wack, actually i can care less because i see im not good enough for you and im fine with that just please leave me alone." Nae said as she cried harder.

Quincy couldnt believe he had just broke her heart. It broke him into pieces seeing her hurt.

"Nae, it was a dumb mistake if i could take it back i would, just dont leave me baby" Quincy begged.

"QD please just let me go." She told him.

"Nae, stop calling me that shit" he told her, he hated when she called him that.

"Quincy please just let me go" she said lowly looking down. He picked her head up and planted a kiss on her lips when she didn't refuse he deepened the kiss and she allowed it. But she broke the kiss because she wasnt going to just easily go back him. After the kiss broke he let her go. She looked up at him for what felt like forever and shook her head as she attempted to walk away.

"Stop crying ma" Quincy told Nae as he wiped her last tear away with his thumb. After that she finally walked into school. Quincy watched the whole time to make sure she didn't get into any trouble. When she walked in she took one look back at him then officially walked in.

As soon as Nae walked in school there was Ka'liyah right there waiting for her.

"Nae im sorry about my brother he's a total asshole and what he did was dumb as fuck" Ka'liyah told Nae catching her off guard cause she thought she was gone be messy. But she wasn't but Nae just played it cool.

"Its fine im not trippin it is what it is" Nae informed her while shrugging. They made small talk on the way to there class and when they got there Nae just went to her seat and put her head down and fell asleep due to lack of sleep last night.

The rest of the day went by smoothly the whole day Nae just stayed to herself. She was headed to her car but stopped once she heard someone calling her name. She turned around and seen Ka'liyah walking up to her.

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