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••Reneé ••

It's been two hours.
Two hours since that idiot got all ape crazy and decided to leave the car.
The moon now was overhead and the only lights were the sky's Stars.

I sighed in defeat and jumped out of the car. I took my backpack which just had my money, phone, and hat inside as well as some water and left.

I used my phone camera and navigated my way around trying to find any clue of where the blonde haired wolf could have gone.

"Bloom!" I whispered knowing he would hear me.

"Bloom Gosh Dammit where are you." I repeated stumbling over a tree root.

"Honestly bud if I don't find you , I am taking your car alright ?"

I shook my head , he might be dead and then I took his car. All evidence pointing back at me, they will think I killed him. Not to mention his alpha blood, gosh I'll have the whole pack after my hind.

I spent another good half and hour searching but came up empty. All in all I gave up and began to walk back to the car. He will not just leave his car and all his belongings right?

I walked towards where the car was last parked.

Well maybe I forgot, I walked around the parking lot but still nothing. My heart beat definitely started to speed up. Maybe we got robbed.

Maybe ...

No he can't be that mad to just leave me right?

I didn't get him that angry that he would leave me high and dry...


"Hello Ma'am"

I squeezed my eyes shut before opening them again to see that the dark sky was replaced by a burning hot sun and a bright blue sky.

"Mummy told me to bring you this." The small boy- barely seen the world for eight years , spoke handing me a white paper plate . I looked up to where he was pointing to see a family of four looking at me while each held a plate similar to mine. Even the small boy in front of me had his own

"Thank you sweetie and tell your mum thank you to."
I took the plate of fruit and the tiny disposable fork- completely ignoring the fact that I haven't brushed my teeth.

"My names Mica."  The boy smiled a big toothy grin and stated.

I shook my head.

"Didn't you learn not to tell strangers your name?"

He shook his head, the tiny freckles on his nose lighting up under the sun.

"Nope, we were taught not to talk to strangers, they didn't say anything about telling our name."

I smiled, " well I guess it's ok then, my name is Renezmaé."

"Rain-ez-may." He scrunched his nose , a thinking face on , " that's to hard." He took a bite of his breakfast.
"May I call you Rain?"

He stopped and shook his head.

"I don't like Rain tho. But I like you. You pretty. So if your name is rain. Maybe I'll like rain now to."

He wiggles and sat next to me on the bench. We were silent as we ate . But as soon as I put the last forkful of food in my mouth he began talking again.

Honestly I didn't mind. He was a good distraction.

"So I have a secret." I looked down at the small boy." Really? Tell me?"

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