Part 9

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           So many expressions crossed Jane and Erik's face that Eve couldn't follow: disbelief, suspicion, confusion.

          "What?" Erik gaped. "But... how? Why haven't you told us before?" This made Eve hastily step away from Thor. Her heart fluttered as she spotted the betrayed gleam in her sister's gaze.

            "I didn't know! Not until a few minutes ago. You have to believe me." Eve pleaded with her family before her, wincing away from Erik's incredulous gaze.

           "Then how did you find out?"

            "My key word." Eve had talked with both Erik and Jane multiple times about what it could be. "It's my name - my real name." She rested a hand over her heart just as Sif had done. "Eir." The repetition of the word went another flash of memories through her mind. Secret sword practicing with Loki, Thor pulling on her carefully constructed braids, her father praising her for her handiwork.

          "But, you grew up here didn't you?" Darcy pointed out, her wide eyes skeptical. "You didn't just appear on Earth, did you?" At this Eve looked to her brother for an explanation, finding herself at a blank.

          "Ice giants were visiting our kingdom when Eve was young, they took her captive in what we thought was ransom, but once we finally found where they had hidden her they... they told us they had killed her." He stumbles over the last sentence, his jaw clenching. More of Eve's past returned, though this time the memories were unwanted. The reoccurring dreams suddenly had faces, frozen blue eyed faces. She closed her eyes and turned away.

           "Eir." Thor reached out a hand but Sif interrupted.

          "Thor, we have to get back and stop Loki." Eve could feel the turmoil inside the man beside her as he fought between doing what was right in his heart and what was needed. Eve turned and met his sky blue eyes with her own green. Her father's and mother's eyes.

             "Go." She spoke softly, though she knew her face held the resolution her voice lacked as he nodded.

            "I will come back and explain everything. I promise." This prompted a thin lipped smile from Eve. Thor then straightened up.

            "We must go to the bifrost site." He spoke to the warriors and Sif. "I will have words with my brother." They nodded and rose to their feet.

            "Excuse me!" A sickeningly familiar voice called and all heads whipped to look down the street where a multitude of tinted cars that had stolen Jane's research only yesterday sat. Coulson walked towards them, his suit and pants covered in dirt and dust displaying that his team must have been the first to intercept the Destroyer in its path into town. He marched straight up to Thor, showing no fear or hesitation even if he stood a foot below the other man's gaze.

              "Donald," he greeted, Eve and Jane shared a confused glance at the name. "I don't think you've been completely honest with me."

           "Know this Son of Cole." Thor interrupted, his gaze meeting the shorter agent's with such intensity Eve marveled at the man's bravery not to look away. "You and I fight for the same cause, the protection of this world. From this day forward you can count me as your ally - if," He moved to rest a hand on Jane's arm. "You promise to return the items you have taken from Jane."

            "Stolen." She corrected, eyes flashing a challenge.

            "Borrowed." Colseon interjected, his hands in fists at his side. There was a long pause as the agent studied the odd group before him. Finally his face softened in surrender. "Of course you can have your equipment back, you're gonna need it to continue your research." Jane inclined her head in interest.

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