Start from the beginning

The walls were covered with green velvet with only a fireplace to light up the room upon entry. The surrounding walls had bookshelves which were organised with books. The floorboards squeaked underneath Aliah's foot. 

She turned to Draco and placed a hand on his chest. "I need to do this alone," she said quietly. She wryly watched as her Father took a seat in one of the two armchairs in front of the fire. "Please, Draco,"

"Are you sure?"

Aliah nodded. Draco closed his eyes and kissed the top of her forehead. "I'm out here if you need anything,"

She closed the door as soon as the blonde haired boy left. Aliah turned on her heel and scolded at her Father. "You want to talk, so let's talk," Aliah hissed as she fell onto the other armchair. 

"I'll start from the beginning,"

"That would be best,"

"I do not appreciate being sasses!" Snape snarled. "When your mother and I got married, it was the time when we believed the Dark Lord had vanished. We were very young when she fell pregnant with you. We were happy nevertheless,"

"What happened?" Aliah subconsciously inclined closer to the professor.

 "We learnt of a prophecy that told us that he would eventually return, more stronger and powerful then he was. We knew then, that because of my history we had to keep you safe no matter the cost. Even if it killed us. It was the hardest thing that I had to ever do,"

"Wouldn't I have been safer with you? Learning magic in order to protect myself?"

"We thought about that but we both agreed, and your Grandmother-"

"Professor McGonagall,"

"Don't interrupt," Snape hissed

"Sorry," Aliah flinched. Severus sighed and continued his story.

"It was decided that it would be best that you never knew anything about this world, and that this world knew nothing of you. The Ministry thought you died along with your Mother and only certain people knew the truth,"

"But why am I here then? And how did my Mother die?" Aliah asked

"When you were born, I placed a spell on you. A very powerful spell that would hide any magical talent you had from you and everyone around you. It worked until you started getting into those crystals,"

"Those crystals aren't even magical, they are just crystals,"

"You believed they were real. That is the thing about magic, anything can happen if you will it so. You felt things when you wore the crystals,"

Aliah nodded her head. "Why didn't you tell me you were...well, you know what?"

"Father? Same reason. Your safety,"

"Mine or yours?" Aliah felt a tug in her stomach. 

"Yours. If the Dark Lord knew of you, what do you think he would do? He surely would not leave you alone,"

"Well maybe if I grew up with magic there would have been away for me to protect myself!"


Aliah felt the tug again, only much stronger. She jumped from the couch and looked down at the man. She screamed in fright when her hair fell in front of her face. Only, it wasn't her natural brown hair. It was a dark purple. 

"You're scared," Snape said. Aliah looked up at him. Her hands were shaking as she grabbed a fist full of her hair. 

"What is this?"

"You don't know?"

"Know what?"

"Aliah, you are a metamorphagus. It happened when you were at the castle," Snape dropped to his knees so he was eye level. He placed both hands on her shoulders. "It must happen when you feel strong emotions. Like now, this dark purple is fear,"

"Well, my hair just changed bloody colour!"

Snape shook his head. "I don't think you are fearful of that,"

Aliah remained silent. She looked away, not meeting his eyes.

"You're not going to lose me Aliah. I let you go once and I will not let you go again," Snape said softly. Aliah looked up at him. His eyes were full of regret.

"Promise?" Aliah whispered.

"I promise," he leaned over and kissed her forehead. She fell and wrapped her arms around his neck. "I promise," he repeated.

Blood is Thicker Than Water (REWRITTEN)Where stories live. Discover now