Joe the Policeman ✔

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"Oh dear, I forgot." You sighed, face palming. Emily looked up at you, a quizzical expression on her small face.

"What is it?" She asked quietly, tilting her head to one side. "I need to go and visit Joe, I said I would." You said, slightly exasperated.

"Who's Joe?" Emily questioned. Gosh, this girl was full of questions today. "He's that Police Sergeant, remember?" You forced a smile as memories of the slightly unusual old man came rushing back to you.

Truth be told, Joe really wasn't the best cop, yet the whole town still loved him. You turned tail, Emily at your side, and began to walk at a moderate pace to the police station.

Soon, you two were there, and hesitating slightly opened the glass door. Inside was a young man with his head buried in a newspaper sitting at a small wooden desk.

Sitting next to him on a desk if his own, was an elderly man, swinging a pair of handcuffs on one finger, humming under his breath.

"Hi Joe." You said, your voice somewhat bitter. You realised it, too, because you smiled warmly as you went on.

"It's me, Y/N." You continued at the sight of the befuddled man. "Ah! Y/N!" Joe gasped, his wrinkled face curved into a smile.

"And... Chloe!" He exclaimed, pointing at Emily. "I'm Emily." She laughed, hugging Popplio to her chest and smiling shyly at the old policeman.

"Ever so sorry Amie, my memory isn't what it was dear. Anyway Y/N, what've you lost this time?" Joey smirked, beginning to swing the handcuffs again.

"I-I just came to say goodbye, I won't be seeing you again for a while and thought you'd appreciate it." You explained, pulling a loose strand of hair behind your ear.

"Mm, that reminds me..." Joe mumbled, placing the handcuffs on the desk and leaning down to rummage through some drawers.

He paused for a moment, straightened back up and stared at the handcuffs for a few seconds. Shrugging and muttering under his breath, Joe picked up the handcuffs and presented them.

"I'd like you to have these." He smiled softly and you took the handcuffs in your hand. "What're these for?" You asked, furrowing your brow.

"Arresting people, if course! Why, what did you think?" He said suspiciously. You quickly shook your head. "Nothing, nothing."

You went to place the handcuffs in your f/C bag, but hesitated. "Are you sure?" You questioned, looking down at the old man.

"Of course." He said, waving a dismissive hand. Suddenly, a phone began to ring, and the young man with the newspaper got up.

"No, no! I'll get it! I'm more experienced than you, young one!" Joe exclaimed, standing up at surprising speed for his age.

"Goodbye Y/N, Lillian." He waved shortly before walking out if sight. "He does this every time. I figured just to let him have his happiness." The newspaper man smiled, and you nodded.

"Yeah, it's the best way to be." You sighed, putting the handcuffs in your bag, taking Emily's hand and walking out.

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