4.) Dear Heavenly Father

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"Follow me." I told him.

He followed me down the hall. Once we got to the front desk I signed him and myself out.

"Blakeman. Send a Tahoe to the front." I spoke and he nodded.

"What da hell goin on?" A3 semi yelled.

"Calm down. I will tell you later." I replied as we stepped outside.

I didn't want to tell him now just in case he cried. The other would most likely try to punk him out.

The truck came and I opened the door for him to get in the back.

He quietly got in as closed the door and got in the driver seat.

I buckled up and pulled off.

"Now tell meh what da hell goin on." He spoke fustratingly.

I looked at him throw the rearview mirror and he looked stressed.

"Your sister Chandra, has passed." I said as I looked at him again.

"No." He repeated multiple time until he started punching and kicking.

He was crying harder than any other male I've seen cry.

"Why God?" He questioned again.

"This can't happen. Mel this isn't happening." He cried harder.

He kept kicking and yelling so I pulled over.

I got out the truck and got in the backseat.

He was still kicking and screaming.

He just kept questioning god and Mel. I guess Mel was his brother.

Some kinda way I weaved through his swings and hugged him.

He slowly stopped kicking and swinging but kept questioning god.

I held him hard and long telling him soothing things.

"It's gonna be okay Alsina. Your gonna get through it. God has everything planned out for a reason. It's okay to cry. You'll have to let it out." I sat on him.

The way we were sitting was very awkward.

He was sitting regularly and i was sitting on my knees facing him with my arms around his chest.

He was still sobbing but it was quietly.

After a while he held onto me like no tomorrow.

"Why did he do dat? Those girls dont have nobody. They didn't ask for dat shit." He cursed.

"Ik. It's gonna be okay. They are strong you are strong." I assured him.

His sobbs stopped and he just sat looking out the window.

I sat up and looked at him as he continued to look out the window.

I decided to wipe the tears from his face. That was the least I could do.

"I'm gonna take you to my house then we will go shopping. I'm trusting you Alsina." I told him as i kissed his cheek and got off his lap.

I climbed into the front and put my seatbelt back on. Then I sped off.

When I made it home he was sleep. It was around 5:42 so we still had time to go shopping.

I got out and went to his door. I opened it and he woke up, the sun hit his face.

"This is my home. Get out so I can show you around." I told him.

He didn't reply he just nodded as I helped him out.

He quietly followed me into the house.

I sat the keys on the table by the front door and we headed into the kitchen.

"This is the kitchen. You can have anything in here except my peach yogurt." I explained as I opened the fridge.

He nodded as we walked into the living room.

"This is the living room. I hardly ever be here but you can feel free to come here when ever." I assured.

We walked through the living room and dowm the hall.

I stopped at the first room door which was on the left.

"This is the bathroom. Please don't pee on my seat. And don't leave your dirty clothes on the floor." I spoke then I closed that door.

I walked down to the next door on the right.

"This is your room for the week. I have no rules because Its yours." I said and he walked inside.

He sat down on the bed and looked at me with puffy eyes.

I walked over to him and grabbed his hands. I unlocked the cuffs and placed them in my back pocket.

"My room is the next door. Feel free to knock if you have a question. Now are you hungry?" I asked.

He looked at me but never answered.

"Well ima warm up my leftovers anyways. I hope you like grilled steak, mashed potatoes, grilled shrimp, and macaroni." I smiled as I walked out the room.

I went into the kitchen and washed my hands before taking out the leftovers.

I took out a plate for me and one for him.

I fixed him a good amount not knowing if he'd eat it or not.

I warmed his first then mines.

August Alsina

Even though I couldn't believe that Chandra was gone. I was still hurt.

My nieces had no-one at all. My mom ain't old but still.

Then there's nothing I can do because my stupid ass had to go and get locked up.

I just sat at the edge of the bed with my head in my hands.

Winta's was so nice. She had did more than enough already.

I heard her knock on the door and I got up.

I opened and she smiled lightly.

"Foods ready." She spoke as I followed her.

We made it to the kitchen and she had the table already set.

2 plates full of food with 2 tall glasses of lemonade.

"I didn't know what you liked so I fixed you everything. Whatever you don't like just leave it on your plate." She said as she sat down.

I sat down too. Everything smelled good or I was sick of jail food.

As soon as I picked up some macaroni on my fork she stopped me.

"We have to pray first." She spoke and I chuckled.

She held her hands out and I grabbed them.

She bowed her head and started praying.



How do y'all feel about the way she helped him calm down?

What do you think she's gonna pray about?

What do you think is gonna happen next?

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