11:30 - 11:38

30 0 0

11:30. I'd only looked at the clock 3 minuets ago. It felt like forever. My heart pounding in my chest. i could feel it thumping against my rib cage. English lessons where always like this. It' was because of HIM. there was nothing on my paper.

He gets under my skin, consuming my every thought. eating away at my sanity.

11:31, twenty- nine minuets since the bell had hung for the start of class.

TASK - Write a piece of creative writing useing this sentence -

A thick, grey cloud rolled over the skys that day. No-one would have guessed it was the middle of july.

Usually i could do this so well, every word, sound and sylible would flow out though the tip of my pen, creating the perfect atmostphere. But not today, i could feel how the words should fit toghether, how they would sound in a paragraph, But nothing was happening.

Another four minuiets passed, still nothing there, i stared down at the blank paper and it stared back. Ahhh, He gets under my skin, he consumes my ever thought. I glanced at him across the class room, the space between us seeming to grow bigger and bigger untill -

i could take it anymore, my heart racing and mind buzzing with confusion. Breathing heavy and fast, i grabbed my bag and ran out of the room. Just to the lelft of the door was a stair case. Sitting myself down, the cool chill of the empty corridor swept around me. juat thirty-seven minuets ago the hallway had been busy with student and teachers, some rushing to there next class, most hanging around, trying to avoid the inevitable.

In that breif moment of imagination, i was calmer, nothing seemed to matter, and my mind had been destacted.

Tick - tick - tick.

the sounds of the clock became louder and louder untill i could hear it hight inside my head. it moved to my chest.

Tick - tick -tick

Not the clock, it was my heart, telling me i had no choise but to go back in there. telling me that how ever slowly the time passed it was still passing. So if i ever wanted to get him out from under my skin and let my imagination rule me again, i had to do something. Now.

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