Crescent 33: Hâ Mîm|World-shocking Voices open the Domains(3)!|

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"Travelling - it leaves you speechless, then turns you into a storyteller." - Ibn Battuta


"However.."Zak looked at Abdul Bâqi who seemed to be mentally absent.
..I don't regret having come..

Pointing to the dark brooding boy, he grinned against Ukashah's expressionless face, highlighting his dimples,

"It's time to wake this guy up. Right?Ukashah?

Earth to Abdul, Earth to Abdul!"


"Hey Abdul.. Boy Abdul!!!"

"Hahnn.. Wha-what?!"He staggered, almost falling off his seat.

"Where did you go? I wanted to ask if you'd prefer to go this round instead of Ukashah.."Zak asked, his eyes in open humour.

"Why, You done already, Zak? I wasn't even able to witness your recital! Ya Allah! I've been thinking about where Zayn and Urwah ran off to, I wasn't present enough to hear you. It was a wonderful recitation as usual..wasn't it?"


Abdul Baqi had a sorry and sincere expression on his face. But it made Zak all the more feel like punching him. Didn't even hear him???

"You guys can handle this round though, ..I'm waiting on the others."

"What-" Are you implying..was what Zak was going to say.

But he stopped when he saw Abdul Baqi's eyes darken,"If Zayn recites on the seventeenth, then my recitation is also on the seventeenth..

If he recites on the nineteenth, then my recitation is also on the nineteenth!

- ..Awww! What was that for?!"

He held his forehead in complaint from where Ukashah had just flicked.

Ukashah looked down at him sombrely,"..because the seventeenth and nineteenth all belong to you.."

"..In shaa Allah.."Abdul Bâqi said with grudge, realizing his mistake.

Zak scoffed,"I think it's obvious that Zayn's recital is the unmatched one amongst us.. Your own may be quite exceptional even among us, but it would take a century before you're anywhere near Ustadh's first and most foremost student!"

"Heh.."Abdul Baqi sneered."Do you really think all this time, I've been learning Qur'an to surpass Zayn?..

Zak, you've really underestimated me, so much.. Why I learn the Qur'an.. If Ikhlâs is truly an essential part of entering the domains.. Then have you questioned why of us all, I'm the closest to Zayn in recitation?

If you thought really carefully about that, you'd have theorized..that there's a different intention motivating move on, ever forward.."

"Tsk! Hogwash, stop playing the saint!"Zak voiced out. Abdul Bâqi always picked up the right moment to act all high and mighty, but he was fed up with it as of now.

The Circle Of The Qur'an #1[The Arkaan Series] ✓Where stories live. Discover now