Chapter Twelve

Começar do início

           Knowing it wouldn't be long before Draz or Rollan came out attempting to offer sage words of advice, Claire decided it was best if she went back in and tried to face this thing head on. So her father wasn't the best of role models, he was alive and that was better than not having any father at all... right?

           As she turned to go back into the pub, a shadow fell over her and she looked back to see a large figure dropping down from above, arms outstretched. She tried to jump clear, but wasn't quick enough. Two large hands caught her beneath her arms and jerked her clean off her feet. She let out a yell of outrage and struggled to free herself as the arms locked around her.

          "I'd stop fighting if I were you," her captor whispered in her ear. "It'll be a mess if you fall..."

          Claire realized he was right. If she fell from this height she was liable to break something -- most likely her neck.

          "Good, now, your friends are going to come rushing out that door any moment and I imagine they're not going to be particularly pleased by this turn of events," he continued calmly, "but if for some reason you feel compelled to try anything foolish, it will only end up getting someone hurt in the end. I assure you it won't be me."

          "Why are you doing this?" Claire asked, doing her best to keep herself calm.

          "Why does anyone do anything?" he asked. "Ah, here we go..."

          Claire looked down to see Draz dash through the door, followed by Rollan.

          "So predictable," the man called out and Claire could hear the smile in his voice. Draz and Rollan both looked up. Fire immediately began to shimmer between Draz's fingers and Rollan's hand dropped to the blade at his hip. "Now, now boys are such hostilities really necessary? Especially between old friends?"


         "I'm afraid I don't follow," Draz shot back, sounding both angry and annoyed.

          "I suppose you wouldn't recognize me, how many years has it been since you left Drift? Ten?" he continued. "A great many things have changed since then."

          "Why don't you quit playing games and just tell us what you want?" Rollan shouted.

          "Oh, I have what I've come for," he replied, "I just thought I'd give an old friend a fighting chance to get it back. No matter. As much as I'd love to stay and chat, I've got places to go, people to see, accounts to settle. Perhaps I'll see you around."

          The ground began to grow more distant while her friends grew smaller, and Claire looked up to see that the man holding her was suspended by a rope from what appeared to be the railing of a ship. They were being pulled towards the ship a little at a time by three large men.

          "We'll find you!" Draz shouted.

         "They'll come for me," she said causing the man holding her to laugh.

          "I'm counting on it," he replied. "And as long as you do exactly as I say, you'll be alive when they do."

          The ship was unlike anything Claire had ever seen. The body of the vessel was long and sleek, the wood polished till it shone, the copper fittings gleaming in the sunlight. It resembled a ship out of time, the sort of ship a pirate of old would have sailed, but that is were the similarities ended. Instead of sails the ship had a large balloon and several smaller balloons that allowed it to hang suspended in the air, similar to that of a blimp. Thrusting out from either side were huge propellers like that of a plane that allowed the pilot to propel the ship forwards.

Winter Embers [ Book 2 ]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora