But Liam Tho..

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Chapter One: At First Sight

*Lily's POV*

            'First days of school are always the hardest for people.' I typed into my blog. I have a blog which is kind of like my diary, but always kept it private though! 'I really don't get why it's such a big deal, just another plain year will go by for me, unpopular old Lily. Won't get that special first kiss this year like I wished for last year, and I won't get that special dance at Prom, I won't even get asked to Prom like all of the other times. I just hope that this year in 11th grade will be different. And I hope to get noticed instead of pushed around, and made fun of...'

            "Sweetie, you're going to be late for your first day! The girls are here ready to pick you up!" My mom called up from downstairs. I quickly closed my laptop and hid it underneath my pillows on my bed like I always did. I grabbed my stuff and took at quick look at myself in my full body mirror, 'I think I look decent enough today.' I quickly ran down the stairs and kissed my mom on the cheek goodbye, and ran out to my friend Carly's car, and got in.

"Hey girl!" she greeted me.


"So are you excited for another year in the hell hole?"

"Not exactly. It's just going to be like every other year."

"I doubt it, I heard 11th grade isn't so bad! Surprisingly my brother said he had a blast."

"Well your brother wasn't like me! The unpopular freak who tries to fit in with the rest."

"C'mon, you're so pretty! No guy can say no to you, and you don't have your braces this year!"

            I took that as an insult and gave her my famous glare. But I quickly got over it when I saw Tong High School come into view. I wanted to barf. I really hated school, if you weren't like by all the popular kids you didn't mean anything, you weren't noticed, it was like you never even existed. I was that one person that wanted to be noticed, I wanted to mean something, I don't want to say that I want to exist because I do!

            We pulled into the parking lot and got out of the car and walked into the building. I walked into my first period which was History. I hated History, like why do I need to learn about it, it's not like I want to be a Lawyer or History teacher when I grow up. History was the worst subject. The bell rang and my friend Krista sat down next to me.

"Krista, where's the teacher."

"I don't know."

            We both looked over towards the door, when a tall cute guy walked in. I really hoped that this wasn't my teach because I would not be able to focus on the subject.

"Oh my god! Lily!" Krista whispered towards me.


"That's the new kid, Liam, It's he so hot?"

"Yeah, I guess he's cute."

             But I was lying because he was drop dead gorgeous. He took a seat in front of me, and started to talk to the kid sitting next to him. He's voice was sweet yet deep, and his hair flopped to the side with little ringlet curls. Yum.

            A fat bald man then entered the room.

"Hello class, I'm Mr. Butterman. Sorry that I came in late, I was running late this morning, helping my wife with our new baby. So very sorry."

He seemed chill, like an easy-going teacher. He may not have looked like it but he sure acted like it!

            5 hours later it was the end of the school day thank god. I pretty much liked all of my classes, and the weird thing was that the new kid Liam was in almost all of them except for Art and Music. So I kind of got to know him a little. I didn't go up to him and ask him 'So tell me about your life.' With all of the teachers asking the students questions and stuff.

            Krista, Carly, and I all headed out to a small little food restaurant after school.

"So what do you think about all of your classes this year?" Krista asked.

"I like mine so much better than last year's!" I didn't really, but I think it was because I knew the people in my classes.

"Krista! We just got out of school, let's not talk about it some more." Carly said.

            There was a lot of laughing coming from the entrance at the door. So we all turned around to check it out. I noticed that a the guys laughing were a few boys from our school, they were mostly the popular guys, and I saw Liam coming in behind them, also laughing. They took a seat in the booth behind ours. But this one kid stopped in front of our table and looked at Carly.

"Hey, you're in the Language class, correct?"

'Yeah, JD right?"

"Yeah, and your Carly."


"Erm. Do you want to like call me sometime?" he handed her a small piece of paper, probably with his number on it, and she took in and put it in her coat pocket.

"Sure thing." He gave her a quick wink and walked over to the table where Liam and the other kid sat.

            I looked over at them and saw JD mouth 'yes' and Liam turned around to us. Our eyes met, and they locked for a little while, and then he finally smiled and nudge his head up. I quickly smiled back and looked down at my menu and smiled to myself.

"Who's that other kid JD, and Liam are sitting with?" (Krista)

"I think his name is Marcus."

"Oh he's cute! I think he's in my Geometry class too."

            We ordered our food, and then 20 minutes later it came to our table. We all finished our dinner and got up to leave. I felt a hand slip into someone else's. I turned around to see Liam. I quickly smiled and then grasped onto the note he was putting into my hand. I looked down at it which it said:

506-7745 call me.

            I looked back to answer his note but he was already running out the door with his friends. I could tell I had a questioning expression on my face because Krista and Carly asked what was wrong but I just answered with a simple no.

            They dropped me off and I started at my homework. I couldn't focus on my homework because I was questioning if I should call Liam or not! Or maybe I should text him. So I did what I knew I had to do to release my confusion of the situation. Write on my blog.

            'Today's first day of school wasn't as bad as I excepted. I was noticed, just a little! I actually coma home feeling good about myself. I got the new hot kids number, but I don't know whether to text or call him yet, or even! This is really eating at me. I don't know what to do!"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24, 2012 ⏰

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