Ciao e benvenuto

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Ciao e benvenuto (hello and welcome) to "3 Minute Italian". I'm Kieran and I'm a language tutor based in the UK and I wrote this book to help you to learn to speak Italian.

The lessons in this book are based on the methodology I developed for teaching languages, which I use in all my classes and courses. The methodology will get you speaking quickly, without the struggle normally associated with language learning.

I'll not bore you with my life story or intricate details of the history of the methodology; I know you probably just want to start learning Italian now, so I'll let you get on with it.

Actually, I've changed my mind, I will bore you a little before we start. It's my book! I'll keep it as brief as I can though.

I've been tutoring people for over ten years on a one-to-one basis in a range of subjects. I love languages, I love learning and I love teaching. I also love chocolate, but this isn't really the place to discuss my chocoholism. I'm very lucky that I get to teach people every day. However, I can't fit everybody who asks me into my schedule so, regrettably, I end up turning a lot of people away. I wish I could teach the whole world but I'm yet to figure out a way of duplicating myself!

The next best thing is to teach through the medium of a book. So, that's what I've decided to do. If you're reading this book, then I will soon be teaching you the glorious splendour that is the Italian language.

Anyway, I'll stop blathering on in a minute and we'll get started with learning. But, firstly, let me just say this...


No, I'm joking, of course, let me say this instead...

We are all human beings, which means we all possess the attributes that make us human beings. There's a wonderful quote by a man called Terence:

"I am human, and nothing that is human is alien to me"

What it means is that if one person is capable of something, then we are all capable of it, because we're all humans too. There's nothing in the world that I cannot understand if somebody before me has succeeded in understanding it. Therefore, it's only logical that since there are more than 85 million people in the world who have managed to learn to speak Italian, then you can learn it too!

Anyway, philosophising over. Let's begin.

3 Minute Italian - Lessons 1-3Where stories live. Discover now