Happy Ever After

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Crowley's p.o.v.

It had been ten years since our honeymoon. We haven't heard much from either side since then. I was watching Aziraphale play with our little girl. She had his blue eyes, which I'm thankful for. I didn't want her to go through what I had. She had my ginger hair and she had my skin tone and small fangs. "DADDY!!!" she yells rushing over to me with two drawings. I take them and smile. "They are lovely Zira" I say as I take them to hang them on the fridge. She goes back to Aziraphale giggling. The motion for me to come over to them. I pull out a small pink chair. I take a seat at her small tea table. Zira comes around and sits a plastic golden tiara on my head and wraps a black feather boa around my neck and hands me a small heart shaped seapter. "The Queen has arrived!" She says in a serious voice. I chuckle and strike a pose, that has them both giggling. I miracle some tea for us to drink. She takes her seat like a proper lady and sips her tea.

Aziraphale's p.o.v.

I love how everything worked out. We finally have a family. We are truly happy. That's what happens when you make your own side. I'd say we have a Happy Ever After. I sip my tea gingerly then I hear a small belch and see Zira giggling. Crowley almost sips his tea out trying not to laugh. "What do you say Dear?" "Scuse me" she says sheepishly. I smile softly at her.

Zira's p.o.v.

I know I'm different. But that's okay. Because I may not have a mommy but both my daddy's make up for that. They work together and they have so much love to give. They tell me stories about when they were created. How everything had happened. How they met. How they fell in love. They leave out the stuff I can't hear but that's okay. I wouldn't change what I have for anything in the world. My parents are perfect.


A/n: thank you for reading my story. I'm very proud of it.

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