Another Duel?

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This is episode 3 of the drama. This is all for fun so please no hate!

Sorry if some stuff is weird or such, it's because I'm sick so my mind isn't really working along today.

Also the part where they all argue was difficult to make since it was a scene between Mei and Rihito but I somehow had to make it into a scene for the three so yeah... some confusing stuff may go down there.

Y/n was calmly finishing last details on her drawing. She was going to the classroom. But when nearing the classroom, she began hearing the sound of someone whimpering and begging. Kiba? She closed her book then entered the classroom. Kiba was speaking to everyone, mostly Mei. He had tears rolling down.

'Izumi always behaved in a manner befitting Ryuonji's next head of family. So why would this unreasonable thing happen?'

Y/n awkward slided to Miruku then crouched down.

'What's going on?' She whispered.

'Izumi is dropping out...' Miruku mumbled, focused on Kiba.

'I beg you! Please help Izumi.' Kiba cried out then went on his knees. 'With all your power, please help Izumi-sama!'

'Even if you say "with our power"...' Natsume awkward said, feeling a little bit bad.

'It's impossible to interfere in other families' business.' Nezu said from the line of butlers.

'Well we would be doing it for a friend, no?' Y/n awkward asked, still crouched down aside Miruku. 'And stop crying on the floor. It doesn't look good.' Y/n groaned at Kiba.

Rihito walked past them before pulling Kiba up.

'Stop it already. Everyone has a different standpoint. There's no way we can interfere in Ryuonji family matters.' As Rihito explained that, he glanced at Y/n as if to answer the question she asked earlier. 'A butler shouldn't be swayed by emotions. Don't do any more shameful-'

'What is shameful?' Mei cut him off.

'And here she goes again being miss grumpy.' Y/n mumbled, still annoyed with Mei. 'Shameful is crying on the floor, begging for help.'

'Kiba is only saying he wants to be by Izumi's side. That's not shameful.' Mei angry said to her little sister.

'If he really wants it, maybe he should fucking go and help her then come to us, crying.' Y/n angry said back, getting up from her crouched pose.

'This is something new.' Natsume said, looking from one angry sister to the other.

'Kiba-san, I will help you.' Mei smiled at Kiba.

'Help, you say, but what can you do?' Kento asked, stepping out of the line of butlers. Y/n did a hand to him to say "exactly".

'I don't know, but I will speak with Izumi.'

'Shouldn't I do that? I know her better.' Y/n mumbled, wanting to help Izumi and Kiba. Before Mei could argue, Izumi's voice went through the room.

'There's no need for that.'
Everyone turned to the door to see Izumi. She wore her school uniform. She looked as if she had some idea in her head. Kiba ran to her, happy saying her name, only for Izumi to scold him.

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