Chapter 3 - Bonds

Start from the beginning

Carley: I'm gonna be okay.

Y/N: I can't do that to you.

Carley: Fine let's bunk together, that way we can both have a place to sleep.

Y/N: Okay.

You both sleep on Carley's sleeping spot which was just a worn down mat and for the first time in probably 3 years, you went to sleep without passing out from exhaustion or getting knocked out.

Carley: Night Y/N.

Y/N: Night Carley.

The next day

The day went carried on where the last left off. You, Carley and Glenn we having fun talking to each other and Doug even joined after some time. The peace though would not last longer as you heard a yell from outside.

?????: Hey you friendly! Car's run out of gas.

Y/N: Who was that?

Doug: There are some people outside, should we help them out?

Lilly: Hell no we can't risk it!

As Lilly was still talking Lilly and Glenn charged out of the drug store to help the people.

Lilly: Hey get the fuck back here!

You try to follow them but Doug stops you.

Doug: You'll get hurt or worse, just stay here and be their eyes.

Y/N: Fine.

Carley saves a young boy and Glenn directs them to the drugnstore with Carley providing cover. A walker crawls out of a wrecked car and is making its way to Glenn.

Y/N: Glenn behind you!!!

He spots its and stomps its head killing it. He follows the others in the drug store.

Glenn: Thanks buddy.

Y/N: Anytime.

Doug: Now we have a big problem on our hands, Lilly and Larry.

You, Glenn and Doug are about to walk over to the group and by the look on Lilly and Larry, things are about to get heated so you decided to stay back. Everyone continues arguing and Larry wants to kick out the boy. This makes you upset as you think about how he feels and you decide to walk up to Larry.

Y/N: Larry can you please give him a chance, like Glenn did for me.

Larry: That was different, you weren't bit but that boy over there is.

Kenny: He's not bitten.

Y/N: But if Glenn had left me thinking I was bit I wouldn't be alive right now.

You look at Glenn who has a smile on his face.

Glenn: Anytime little man.

Lee: The boy's right man give him a chance.

Larry: And what do you plan on doing when that boy turns into a man eater and sinks his teeth into his mother's face, then he'll grab your little girl.

The girl gets scared and hides behind Lee.

Y/N: That won't happen.

You say sternly. Larry then pushes you aside which incites Lee and Kenny as they prepare to fight Larry. You then notice the girl go to the bathroom door and remember that you trapped a walker in there and decided not to shoot it as it would attract attention.

Y/N: Wait.

You run over to her and pull her back just before the walker grabs her. You are both knocked down and the walker is about to climb on top of you both but you push her out of the way.

Lee: Hold on!!

Lee runs over and pulls the walker off you and Carley finishes it with a bullet through the head.

Lee: Thanks, kid you okay?

Y/N: Yeah I'm alright.

3 hour time skip at the motel

You walk over to Glenn and Lee. You see them talking and wait for a bit until they are done and you walk over to Glenn.

Y/N: Hi Glenn.

Glenn: Hey bud, listen.... I have to go.

Y/N: What?

Glenn: My family and other friends are in trouble and I can't stand around doing nothing. I have to go help them, I'm sorry Y/N.

You understand his actions but a sad expression goes over your face. He notices and pulls you in for a hug before getting in his car and leaving. You walk over to some steps and sit by yourself for some time before you notice a person walk over to you.

Girl: Hey are you okay?

Y/N: Not really I guess I'm just a little lonely.

Girl: Aren't you friends with that woman over there?

Y/N: I am but I just need someone my age to talk to.

Girl: Then we can be friends.

Y/N: Really?

Girl: Yeah I could talk to someone my age too and you saved me earlier. I think you and I can be great friends.

Y/N: Yeah I'd like that uhh...

Girl: Clementine but you can call me Clem for short.

Y/N: I'd like that Clem. My name is Y/N.

Clem: I'd like it too Y/N.

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