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'Levi says Eren is an idiot, but he also says he's his idiot titan boyfriend.'


"Hnnnnngghhnn..." Eren moaned as the alarm clock went off. He pounded his fist on it making it stay silent. He yawned getting up and slipping on some fresh clothes for work. He walked into the bathroom brushing his hair sleepily. He walked out and went into the kitchen.

"What? Where's.... Oh wait. Am I still at Levi's?" Eren questioned himself looking around the room. He poured himself some coffee and sat in the couch and took a long good drink.

"What are you doing up so early you little shit?" Levi walked in, making Eren jump.

"Uh-um. Work sir." Eren said. "If they will still let me anyway."

Levi walked in the kitchen to get a cup of coffee to.

"You should stay." Levi blurted out. He cursed to himself quietly for doing that.

"Why do you say that?" Eren asked watching the older man coming over to sit across from him. Levi then thought if a good truthful reason really quick.

"Cause we still have lessons on to keep you "demon half" controlled. And if you lose control at work.. well then you'll end up-"

"Ok, ok! When do we do these lessons?" Eren interrupted. Levi took a drink of his coffee and told him they could work on it at noon. After that Levi left the room with his coffee and went back to his room to probably change clothes. Once he was in his room he set his cup down and looked in his mirror.

'Why do I even try? Yes I did kiss him that ONE night, but I was probably drunk! Does he even- no! he's a kid.. And I'm just a fucking 30 year old who likes a kid!' Levi punched the table that was holding the mirror. He clenched his teeth and hung his head.

'Petra.... Why did you leave me?'

"Uh.. Heichou? You ok in there?" Erens voiced drifted through Levi's closed door. It was a minute before he called back.

"Yes." He simply said wiping one tear that fell. 'he can't see me in this state! God dammit why and I crying?!' He said wiping a few more. He went to his dresser and pulled out some clothes.

*****in Levi's room*****

"Are you sure you know what your doing?!" Eren yelled at Levi who was tossing knives and guns out of a large box. "And what's with the weapons!?"

"Calm down brat!" Levi said tying a blindfold over his eyes completely ignoring his question. Eren got completely uncomfortable once he did that.

"Now, keep still and focus on your strength." Levi said. Eren sat still trying to focus. Silence flooded the room and Eren could feel his strength but once he did there was a knock on the door.


"Who is it?!" Levi yelled. There was a bit of a silence but the stranger finally spoke.

"It's Mikasa. I was wondering when he'll be home." The girl said through the door.

"Oh crap! Mikasa!" Eren whispered. Levi looked at him and back at the door.

"WAIT! How did you get it my house!? My door was locked!" Levi yelled at Mikasa.

"Well, try locking your windows sometime." She said bit of annoyance in her tone. Levi gritted his teeth.

"He'll be staying with me tonight and maybe the coming weekend." Levi said.

"ARE YOU TRYING TO GET RID OF ME EREN?!!!? YOU KNOW LEAVING YOUR GIRLFRIEND BEHIND IS REALLY STUPID OF YOU! God, sometimes I can't even understand you." Mikasa yelled which made Eren get mad once she said 'girlfriend'.

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