A Country Love Story (Title Suggestions??)) Chapter 6

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Sorry it's been so long guys!! I had writers block haha.

The begining of this chapter may seem strange, but just keep reading, it'll all make sense in a bit :)

I stood in middle of the room, the grey and white marble columns surrounding me as they stretched up to the ceiling. I heard the low rumble of the volcano in the distance. I could smell the sulfur and smoke in the air, hanging like a veil.

He sat in front of me, on a marble throne. He said nothing, just staring at me. My nerves wound even tighter as his gaze bore into me. It felt as though it bore into my very soul….

“Would you like to see them?” He spoke at last. His voice low and deep, rumbling like the volcano nearby.

“T-they’re not here!” I said shakily.

He grinned maliciously. “Oh, but they are. Shall I call them for you?”

“No, b-because they’re not here. They’re with God.”

His face turned an even deeper shade of red than what it had been before.

“You dare to mention that name here?!” He shouted at me, standing from his throne. His body began to stretch, growing taller. His hard muscles enlarged, stretching the scale-like skin across them. His head enlarged, his horns as well. He towered over me, screaming like a maniac. His screams were as loud as thunder, and as chilling as ice. An Ironic metaphor, considering my location. I could hear a melody in the background. It’s rhythm and notes seemed to sooth me in this dangerous situation. How did I even get here?

“They are here!” He thundered. “I shall prove it!”

He waved his hand, and two fiery forms began to materialize between us. They started as scattered embers, swirling to form faces, then bodies. I recognized them at once.

“Mom! Dad….” I choked on the smoke in the air.

“No!” I screamed at him, suddenly filled with courage. “It’s a trick, they’re not here!”

He screamed at the top of his booming voice, a high, ear-splitting shriek of rage. The forms of my parents dissolved as his tail waved them away. My mom’s hand reached out to me just before she drifted away.

He grew even larger, his head bursting through the stone ceiling of the Athens-type building we were in. He waved his hands, and the ceiling collapsed, followed by the columns.

I turned in a full circle, taking in the surroundings outside of the walls. A dark field stretched for miles, contained by mountains on all sides. The volcano sat in one corner, spewing lava and fire furiously. The plains were cracked with hairline fractures, showing the fiery lake beneath.

He stood towering above me, staring me down. I felt myself cowering, unable to stand up to such evil and hatred…..The music grew louder, the melody no longer comforting, just adding to severity of emotion coursing through me….

I felt my eyes prick with tears, stinging as they collided with the sulfur and smoke. They spilled over, making clear tracks down my blackened and smudged cheeks. I opened my mouth to scream as he raised his fist, but choked on the smoke….

“Clairah!!! Clairah! Are you ok?” The dream drifted to a smoky haze as I slowly woke up. “Clairah honey, wake up!” I felt something cool touch my face. It felt soothing.

I opened my eyes but couldn’t see, everything was too blurry.

“Hang on, Darlin, here you go.” I felt a rough tissue being gently pressed to my eyes, wiping away the tears.

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