Chapter one - Part one

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This Fanbook was inspired by the Souyo image above. Its adorable please look at it. It make me do a big uwu. Btw, there won't be any Souyo action until chapter two. This'll just be subplot.


It was the aftermath of Kanji's mission. They had just been waiting for him to recover. It was a normal, kinda sorta okay, very boring day for Yosuke. Currently, he was watching television. Of course, it didn't entertain him at all. He thought maybe he should call somebody up. Chie or Yu first came to mind.

Pretty recently, Yosuke had developed a small crush on Yu. He pushed it aside and decided to think of him as a really close friend. He knew Yu was straight. I mean, with all the women he has surrounding him, theres no way he could score with Yosuke.

However, he did overly enjoy hanging out with Yu a lot. He hoped Yu wouldn't catch on, but Yosuke was surprisingly good at keeping his cool. Half the time, he didn't even think about Yu as a lover.

What has been on his mind most, actually, was Kanji. The fact that him, of ALL people, to like men was kinda new and weird to him. He just had to get use to it though.

He made up his mind quickly. Thinking about Chie begging for steak wasn't a situation he was in the mood for at the moment. Besides, she was probably busy with Yukiko like always.

The male had dialed his number in no time. Just as expected, Yu picked up within two rings.

"Yo?" Yu was sorta confused on his sudden call. Nothing was going on and Yosuke had called for no reason. Or maybe he just wanted to hang out. 'Damn.. think positive sometimes..' Yu had scolded himself within his own mind.

"Ah- uh..Hey! Sorry for the call..I just, uhm..wanted to know if we could, y'know, hang out for a bit!" Yosuke grinned into the phone. He was excited.

"Ah," Yu began. "Sure. Nothing is currently going on at the moment." Yu too, had put on a small grin as well. He did enjoy spending time with Yosuke a lot. Since all the pop ups coming up, they haven't had much time together.

"Sweet! I'm just gonna go get ready real quick. See ya!"

Immediately hanging up like a dumb dumb, Yosuke put the phone down and rushed to put his shoes on.

"Okay, but where do you wanna-" Before he could speak, the brunette had hung up. 'Uhm..' Yu wasn't all that stupid. He knew where Yosuke liked to go best. If anything, they could meet up at Junes or the riverbank. Although, Junes seemed more like the likely answer.

Yu was ready and on his way. So was Yosuke. Once walking back, he realized he hadn't told Yu where to go. However, this wasn't much of a panic. 'Yeah...Yu should know where you enjoy going most!' He grinned once again. The teen was glad to have such a gold friend. Yu was literally flawless to him.

Yu P.O.V

Currently on my way to meet up with Yosuke, at what I'm guessing is probably Junes. Of course he forgot to tell me where he wanted to hang out. On my journey, I ended up running into Chie and Yukiko.

"Oh! Hey Yu-kun!" Chie calls out to me as Yukiko looks in the same direction as Chie. "Ah," softly, Yukiko moved hair out of her face. I waved back, on a quick rush to see Yosuke. Until Chie decided to run over to me.

"Hey, where ya off to?" She ran onto the left side of me, as Yukiko followed at stood beside my right. Before I could spit out my plans, Chie busted in again.

"Say," She smiled at me. "Wanna go to the mall with me and Yuki? We were gonna go pick out some new clothes! Afterwards, of course, we were gonna go out to get some food! I'm really craving some good steak right no..."

As Chie went here, there, and everywhere with her today plans, I looked at Yukiko for help. I set her an obvious face for 'No, I have plans. Sorry.' Damn, she was quick.

"Uhm..Chie.." She tapped Chie's shoulder as the smaller teen stopped talking to give her attention to Yukiko. "I kinda wanted it to just be me and you.." Yukiko gave a small, sad look to Chie. "Oh-"

Chie looked at me. "Sorry, Yu-kun. You don't mind, do you? We can totally hang out another time though. A new, cool movie is coming out next week. How about we go and-"

As she worked like a non-stop, broken sink, Yukiko walked over to Chie and grabbed her arm gently. Walking away in the opposite direction of where we currently walking. I looked back at her and smiled. Yukiko smiled back. Yet Chie, hadn't stopped speaking.

I looked forwards again. There it was. Junes food court. I walked over to where we normally hold our meetings. I guess it was instinct or maybe habit. There were plantly of seats open.

I waited for six or possibly ten minutes until I heard a familiar voice. I look up. I can't really see where it's coming from.

"YuUuu?" The voice sounds like Yosuke. An exhausted, slump Yosuke. "HeeEeEElp..!?" It was muffled.

I followed the voice to a...trashcan. Definitely had to be Yosuke. He, again, was stuck inside a trashcan. I grabbed his legs and pulled him straight out. "Dude.." he rubbed his head and closed his eyes. "Never again.."

I snickered. "What did you do this time?" The brunette opened his eyes. "It was my bike again..sorry.." Yosuke sat up straight a bit. I put my hand on his shoulder.

"Don't be sorry, partner." Calling my best friend 'partner' had to be the best thing in the world. It had such a nice ring to it. It felt especially nice when Yosuke did it back.

"Heh.." Yosuke giggled just the slightest. He glanced up at me with such a nice gaze. "Yeah, my bad, partner.."


My heart skipped a beat. I blushed at just a bit. It quickly faded but it seems Yosuke noticed and didn't take it so lightly.

"Dude, you good?" I looked up at him and laughed nervously. Although, he was stupid enough to hear a real, childish giggle out of me. "Huh? Oh, yeah. Why ask?"

We started walking over to the normal meeting spot. Guess it was a habit thing for him too. "I dunno, you're face got kinda red for a moment."

I took that in and smiled. Reassuring Yosuke I was fine, I put my hand on his back and rubbed it gently. "Yeah, I'm okay."

"Oh- sorry, partner." He smiled back at me.

'Partner' huh?

I smiled on the inside. 'Such a nice tone of voice. God, I love that word coming from him..' My mind whispered silently.


Haha sorry for anything illiterate. Do not correct me. I read these over like, three times. Theres probably way more spelling and or grammar mistakes I could imagine. Also, sorry for shitty plot. K bye

1,205 words in total

Partners ~ YosukexYu fanfiction/book (Souyo/YoYu)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon