When Did Our Love Grow Cold

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You and I, we were always strong

It was enough to keep me on

Charles wakes up with a striking pain in his head, and a strange kind of sore comes from his eye and cheek. He rolls on the bed, picking up a vague warmth remains on the sheets beside him, faintly and fading. He breathes in the familiar musk odor. He strains his mind, remembering what happened last night, but all struggle fails, as his head is pounding hard, it'd crack a skull.

He finally gets up, propping himself against the wooden headboard, it creaks and Charles stomps his feet onto the ground.

When he walks towards the door, it flings open and two large arms are thrown at his direction, pulling charles into a tight; protective embrace.

The man leans down and sobs on his shoulder, and mutters something, the words ringing in his ear like mantras, over and over, "I'm sorry, Charles, I'm truly sorry"

Charles lift his hands to hug the taller man as well, stroking gently on his muscular dorsal to the center of his back. Charles' palms reach the back of the man's head, caressing the fresh trimmed, light brown hair.

Ah, and it hit him hard as he remembers what happened the night before, "Erik, it's okay. I forgive you" Charles steadies him as he presses his lips to Erik's stark collarbone.

I woke up with my green eyes blue

And all I think about is you

And your fist

They had an exploding arguments, as what they constantly had, but last night, last night was quite different.

A brown briefcase was standing right in front of the door.

"Goddamit charles. Would you just listen here?" Erik growled seeing Charles putting on the scarves and walking away, towards the door.

"Well, guess what, Erik" Charles threw spitting words at him "I really dont care about any of this" he said, arms crossing against his chest, his face indifferent.

Erik's, on the other hand, had turned frantically slow burn.

They'd been quarelling for hours over something, something that started this massive urge to lunge at each other at every chance. They couldn't even remember why they fought in the first place.

"Why are you always doing this?" Erik curled his hand into a fist on his side, his face sterns, and he wanted so much to just drag Charles back into their bed and forget it all ever happened, and seemingly that wasn't an option.

"Oh, so it's my fault, now?" charles barred his teeth, tossing his arms onto the air. His calm gesture had gone, replaced by anger and disappointment. Erik saw the changing in his face and it hit him. It hit him that he realized the relationship they had was falling apart.

Erik knew that was his fault. Charles had been gentle and forgiving since the beginning. Four years, despite all his mistakes and selfish impose on Charles, Charles always stayed no matter what. Well there are times, a lot of times matter-factly, that the shorter man had it putting up with him and left. But eventually he came running back, he thought bitterly how he had taken Charles so much for granted.

But, erik, always the proud and arrogant that he is, was too reluctant to admit it.

"I'm leaving, Erik." Charles finally said, his voice was kept back from sounding too resented, "and don't expect me to come back"

A flicker in Erik's eyes, full of fury. his reasoning was thrown over his head. He pulls Charles wrist, hard and slammed him against the nearest wall. He attacked the maddening red lips, groaning against Charles mouth. He locked Charles' wrists with one hand over his head, while his other hand pressed tightly against the throat, reddening the pale skin.

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