Bizarre walk to school

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(The next day)
"Jotara get up or you'll be late for school!",holly said joyfully as she watched Jotara walk slowly from her room
"Have a wonderful day at school sweetheart",she said as she gave Jotara a kiss on the cheek Jotara said nothing and just walked out the house annoyed
Holly justed smiles happy to see her daughter out of a jail cell
(On the way to school)
Jotara walked to school only to be followed by a group of student who also attended the same school
"Oh my god it's Jotara she's beautiful",one boy said
"I know I I hope I can sit by her at lunch today",girl said
Jotara ignored it until someone grabbed her hand
"Jotara wanna sit with me at lunch today"the boy asked
The boy was pulled of my a girl and they both started to argue
"Don't touch her horse face"
"Shut up pigs nose"
And they went back and forth and back and forth until Jotara had enough
It was silent until everyone started screaming at the fact that Jotara talked to them instead of casually ignoring them
Jotara sighed and walked away

(3rd person)
A mysterious male was sitting near the high steps painting a picture when he took red paint and started scribbling the leg of the painting

(Back to Jotara)
Jotara began to walk down the stairs while the crowd of students still followed her until a mysterious cut appeared on her leg causing her to almost fall down the stairs Uniate grabbed onto a long branch and make it down safely
How did that happen I'm usually not the clumsy type she thought to herself
Jotara looked around for any clues until she spotted a tall male wearing all green
"Here",he said in a low tone
He handed her a napkin and then walked away
Jotara didn't even get to say thank you but she knew there was something fishy about that man

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