
"Yes! That's my daughter, Mabel."


"Hospital? Why do you have to take her to a hospital?"


"Oh! Okay! We will be there at Tischenko Hospital soon."

Valdus did not wait any longer to hear the rest of the conversation. He was a man on a mission, who was getting desperate to see if she was fine. He rushed to his car and drove to the hospital, which happened to be very close to the edge of the forest.

"What is she doing in a hospital?" Arius launched the question at Valdus.

"We will find out very soon." Valdus replied and dashed inside the hospital.

"What can I do for you?" The blond woman at the desk asked him, batting her eyelashes at Valdus.

Valdus was well aware of the tactics used by women. Although he was hundreds of years old, he looked like a human in mid-twenties. Initially, he would be amused by the female affection. But, as years passed, without anybody by his side, he grew exhausted and bored with everything.

"Mabel Brown. Where can I find her?" He asked impatiently.

"Perhaps we can meet some-" The reception started but couldn't complete as Valdus cut her off in the middle.

"The room number?" He could not control the glare he sent at the woman this time.

"242, second floor. So, I was saying... "

Valdus got the information he needed. He did not wait for the receptionist to complete her sentence. Why would he even look at her when he had an ailing mate to look after. He hurried towards her room and went ahead to open the door. But, it was locked. He peeped through the translucent glass. Her skin seemed sickly pale. What had happened to her in the past few hours? He had no clue. Suddenly, the door opened and the doctor walked out, gave him a weird stare and walked towards a couple standing a bit away from him. He too joined the conversation to know about her well being.

"Stage II i.e. moderate level hypothermia due to prolonged stay in the cold. A warmed intravenous solution was injected in her bloodstream, to help to keep the blood warm. We will monitor her breathing, temperature and pulse rate to ensure if she is good to go. Also, she will be staying here at least for a day. We will see how she responds. Make sure she has warm beverages at least thrice in a day." The doctor finished and turned to Valdus.

"And who might you be?" The doctor asked him.

Valdus had no reply. He could not tell the clueless human doctor that he was her mate. Instead of rewarding him with a reply, Valdus just glared at him.

"You must be one of her brothers. Your father said you guys will be here soon. Where are the others?" The lady questioned.

Valdus gritted his teeth. How dare she call him her brother. In fact, he was far from it.

"I am not her brother." He replied, clenching his fists.Before they could question him further, they were interrupted by three men. Valdus inspected them closely. The three men with disheveled looks were surely werewolves.

"Mabel?" One of the boys asked and the doctor explained her condition to them. Once they were satisfied with the response, they proceeded to thank the people who had helped Mabel.

"Who is the man in the corner? Is he a family member?" The lady inquired, discretely pointing towards Valdus. 

That was when the three brothers noticed the werewolf king, standing tall, staring at the door, behind which Mabel was present. All had a single question on their minds. What was he doing here? Soon, their parents too reached the hospital.

"How is she? And where was she for the past day and a half? "The brothers described everything that the lady had told them about Mabel's whereabouts. They also told them about the king. Olivia's face visibly paled. The only reason for his query about her daughter, was to kill her. She marched right up to where he was standing.

"Please king! She has no clue about our existence, please don't harm her." She pleaded.

"You made a mistake and you shall pay the price." Valdus laid his cards tactfully.

"Price? W-what do you w-want?" Olivia had a feeling that the conversation was not going to end in her favor.




Hi! Things turn a bit heated between Valdus and Olivia. All of us know who is going to have the final say.  XD

Sorry for not updating sooner. I encountered some unexpected health issues. Anyway, don't forget to tell me what you think about the story so far. Also, if you liked it, please hit the vote button. 

Until next time! <3<3

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