allow me sweetheart

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The school day seemed to drag on then during her last class of the school day her phone buzzed and as the teacher was distracted she looked at her phone. Sebastian had sent her another message.

In math class and
So bored. On a better
Note I will see you at
The Lima bean. I hope
You will sit with me.

Rachel read the message and felt a little nervous as she had heard Santana saying to brittany that she wanted to go to the Lima bean too. Rachel knew Santana would not ge happy with her sitting with sebastian.

Finally the school day was over and Rachel set off for the Lima bean Santana and brittany were in Santana's car right behind her.

Finally Rachel arrived at the Lima bean and looked around sebastian wasnt there yet so she headed to the counter and ordered her coffee.

" what can I get you" the barista asked.

" non fat soy latte" Rachel said.

" make that two" sebas6said appearing behind her and handing his credit card to the barista.

" I will get these you bought mine yesterday" Rachel said.

" I insisted on paying rachel" he said as they both moved to the collection part of the counter.

Rachel saw Santana and brittany walked in Santana saw her and sebastian stood together and had a strange expression on her face.

Once they had their coffees sebastian lead her to a table on the corner.

" so was your day at school as boring as mine" he asked as they sat down.

" yeah" she said.

" good job we are here to cheer each other up then" he said smiling at her.

" you didn't need to pay" she said.

" as I told you yesterday it the gentlemanly thing to do and correct me if I'm wrong but I was raised to know that the guy always pays on a date" he said Rachel looked at him.

" a date" she said.

" yes a date... I told you yesterday I check you out I thought I would give you chance to feast your eyes on me up close" he said.

" oh" Rachel said.

" your not as talkative as I imagined" he chuckled.

" I'm still in shock" she said.

" your shocked that I like you" he asked she nodded.

" why your gorgeous why wouldn't I" he said Rachel felt her face flushing.

" you even go the nicest colour when you blush you really are perfect" he said

" I'm just going to the ladies room" Rachel said her face was burning and she wanted to try to cool it down.

As she stood by the sink having gently splashed her face she was stood looking in the mirror as Santana walked in.

" berry are you on a date with fivel" Santana asked walking over to her.

" yes" Rachel said.

" good" Santana said.

" what" Rachel asked surprised.

" I'm glad your moving on from finn. I might not particularly like you berry but as this past year with Brits and I I know how hard it can be to find love and also to have people accept your choices. If he makes you happy you should give him a chance. I'm gay but even I was turned on by him when he sang I want you back all that hip thrusting. I guess what I'm trying to say is last year I would have launched an intervention but like I said I have learned to trust my own heart when it comes to love. However if you and ge do start dating I will have to let him know any trouble and I will go all Lima heights on his ass" Santana said and then walked into a cubicle.

Rachel couldn't believe it Santana hadn't gotten mad she had been supportive which wasnt a side of Santana she was used to.

Rachel headed back out of the toilets to see sebastian sat looking anxious only as he saw her he smiled.

" are you ok I saw her walk in after you" he asked.

" I'm fine she was actually nice about it" Rachel said.

" she was... did she know it was a date" he asked.

" yes I told her to was and like I said she was ok about it" rachel said.

" I know your pleased about that but do you know what as made me so happy" he asked.

" what" rachel asked.

" you telling her it is a date" he said with the biggest smile on his face.

" you have shown your not all bad " Rachel admitted.

" good though I still have it in me which makes me exciting" he said the  sat looking at her.

" what" she asked.

" can I kiss you" he asked she nodded.

And he leaned in and kissed her.

The end

smythebrry short stories part twoNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ