Scorpius walked down the small back stairway that led to the kitchens, rather than the main grand marble staircase, to breakfast. He rubbed the sleepiness from his eyes and hesitated on taking the last step as he heard his father ranting loudly in the dining room.
He mumbled a 'good morning' to their house elf who was working away in the kitchen, and stepped into the dining room. His father didn't even greet him, he was so fueled with anger. Scorpius didn't like this much grumpiness in the morning.
"-can you believe Potter would raise his son to be such an abomination? That's completely unnatural and for him to openly support Albus - dreadful name by the way. Only Harry would burden a child with that title. This is just outrageous, no real wizard is gay. It's never been heard of before! I swear if my son was homosexual I'd disown him. The blood line would be completely lost - such a waste," the elder Malfoy steamed on.
Scorpius quietly helped himself to breakfast. He was unsure of what his dad was going on about until he glanced at The Prophet that was sprawled out in front of them.
Across the front in bold black type read; 'Albus Severus Potter: GAY'.
Scorpius' head filled with confusion and curiosity. He wasn't even entirely sure what gay meant, but it seemed to upset his father quite a bit. Although, most things in The Prophet regarding the Potters upset his father.
Scorpius was about to open his mouth and ask what this all meant but Draco's ranting answered it for him.
"-a man fancying another man is preposterous. Simply outrageous. How could a fourteen year old boy possibly know who he wants to marry? I guarantee he'll grow out of this ridiculous phase," he huffed, finally pausing long enough to take a big drink of tea.
Scorpius remained silent for the rest of breakfast, his mind racing with hundreds of different thoughts. Boys could love boys? That was a thing? Why was that so outrageous to his father? It didn't seem like that much of a crime... What if he liked boys like that? How would his father react to that?
"Alright class!" Albus tapped his wand loudly on the board to gather their attention, "It's the last week of class. You've got your O.W.L.s. creeping up on you fast, so I'm no longer gonna be talking about any Sex Ed. That's not important anymore, and I know you're all so disappointed," he said sarcastically.
"But Professor!" A student named Charles spoke up, waving his hand in the air, "You never taught us about gay sex!" said boldly, obviously trying to embarrass Henderson, or even Albus. "We heard all about dumb STD's and how babies are made but not that!"
Albus faltered, he wanted to teach about it to raise awareness and educated them,but it wasn't in the curriculum and he didn't want to embarrass Henderson. He really didn't want angry parents owling him and McGonagall asking why the 'gay agenda' was being forced on their kids. Sex Ed was already controversial enough.
"We didn't really have time for that and I really didn't want to make Henderson uncomfortable if he didn't want us to speak about it," the professor replied.
"Oh that's right, we wouldn't want our little fairy to be uncomfy," Charles responded in a whiny, mocking voice.
Albus' heart nearly stopped at the word. His stomach lurched and anxiety shot through his whole body. In his head he hear Alec Zabini's voice shouting it down the hall at him and spitting it at his face.
Albus firmly pointed to the door, "Out. Get out of my classroom right now." The slight PTSD he'd experienced just there triggered his fight or flight responses, usually he acted on the flight part, but this time it wasn't directed at him so he we going to fight back.

Sex Education // Scorbus
FanfictionProfessor Albus Potter has been asked to teach sex education to the 5th years at Hogwarts. The students question his credibility on the topic and cause him to take a step back and reevaluate his relationship and sex life. (Disclaimer: This does not...