Fill in at the beach! (Tadashi x reader)

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I didn't go to a beach but thanks to some old memories back at Virginia beach and some anime fillers, I manage to make this oneshot! I also thought of this in the Hiro x reader too so stay tuned.

To be honest, the Hiro x reader stories I write have more action to it since he has the most screen time, don't you guys think? And Tadashi barely has any since the movie and a little of season 1. But I still love Tadashi and sooner or later, I might be making a special oneshot featuring our guest star! I would tell you but it's a secret.

If you want to know, be sure to comment, share, vote, and follow me! And the additional exclusive of requesting any ideas or stories!


A humid day at San Fransokyo. You're at your room with the fan blowing in front of you. "I feel like goo." You repeated. You would imagine something cool like ice cream or living in a fridge for the entire summer while you can. The AC would work but you don't want the bill to be too expensive. You lay your head down on an ice pack and think ways to spend your summer days.

The previous day, it was just me, Honey Lemon, and Gogo. We were having lunch together despite being a different class from Tadashi and Wasabi. "You know. It would be nice if we could have that beach filler with the three of us." I said out of nowhere. "I mean, I never manage to do anything other than my parents telling me what to do." I continued. Honey Lemon smiled and nodded. "I know! Why don't we go to the beach if we have the time during our vacation? Therefore we can enjoy this summer than ever."

"That might work. I might get some time to test my bike." Gogo said. "Away from our work, Gogo. Come one. When's the last time you've ever sit back and relax?"

"Well I like to be motivated than lay back with a bunch of guys picking up 'chicks.'" Gogo quoted and we all made a good laugh. "I'm pretty scary with you come around me with something in armed. Trust me." I said. "Oh really, I don't see you scary much." Gogo said. "You'll see.." I muttered with an evil smirk then laughed.

I open my eyes and jump back. Oh yeah! The beach! I hit my head and crawled to get my phone. Thanks for Tadashi and I's update on Baymax, I get to contact with Baymax by mobile than getting a microphone and scream out of my lungs to get Baymax. I call Baymax and wait not so long for him to pick up. "Contact everyone; Wanna go to the beach?" I hesitate to wait for it to be sent.


Fred: YES!

Honey Lemon: Yeah! I'll go get everything we need.

Gogo: Sure why not. Wasabi, can you set up your bike carrier?

Wasabi: On it. Be sure to wear sunscreen.

Tadashi: I would love to come. I'll bring Hiro, Aun Cass, and Baymax while I can.


I smiled and got up. "Here we go!" I stretch and pack up everything I need. A towel, portable charger, water bottle, wallet, etc. I wear my swimsuit with a short skirt and jacket over as I get my sandals at the front door. I waited by the window and see Wasabi's car parked at my parkling lot, especially Aunt Cass' truck. I go out as Tadashi hugged me. "Hey (Y/N). Wasabi's car might be cramped so I decided to use Aunt Cass' truck for the three of us."

"That'll be great! Wait is Aunt Cass gonna be..." I look at Wasabi's car to see Aunt Cass talking to the gang then waves at me. "Yep." Tadashi said popping the p. "Okay, great!" I beamed and we got in the truck with Hiro with his phone in his face. I smiled and lowered his phone away and got to his level.

"Hey Hiro."

"(Y/N) hi!" Hiro smiled and gives me a hug. "You excited we're going on a road trip?"

Hiro/Tadashi x Reader one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now