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Jamie's P.O.V

"So, do you think he's going to ask you out?" I asked Ashley as we studied through her marine biology notes.

"Who Blane?" She asked I nodded.

"I don't know we've been on a few dates I guess,"

"Do you not like him?"

"It's not that I don't like him it's just I don't know whether I like guys or not,"

"I think you should stop thinking about that and think more about marine biology,"

"Do you like anyone?" She asked me. I did like someone but I didn't think they liked me back.

"No I'm just focusing on myself," I smiled picking up the palm cards. Which was true. I couldn't let anyone too close to me because I wasn't ready to open up about everything yet. I didn't want someone to date me because I was damaged goods. I didn't want anytime to date me out of pity. I wanted them to date me for who I was besides everything that happened.

"Fair enough you'll find someone someday,"

"Okay Ashley, explain to me how wind energy is converted to water movements called currents," I turned the palm card over and read through the answer.

"Uh wait I know this," she mumbled, chewing on her pencil.

"It's caused by the friction between moving air and the water surface,"

"Alright So how many bones do dolphins have?"

"One hundred and..." she continued biting on her pencil.

"Seventy nine?" She questioned squinting her eye at me.

"Yeah," I smiled.

"I'm going to ace this year," she sighed, falling back and laying in the bed.

"I asked you two questions," I laughed.

"And I'll study a bit later my brains too frazzled right now."

"Will you?" I smiled. I noticed her swirling her hair in her fingers. I couldn't help but watch her. Even when she did small things they intrigued me.

"What?" She asked me.

"N-Nothing I was just day dreaming," I laughed looking down at the books.

"You sure?" She asked resting up onto her elbows. I nodded at her. If only I could admit I liked her. But I was scared because I'm pretty sure her and Blane are becoming closer and I didn't want to distract her from her studies.


Zoe's P.O.V

"Mum?" I called walking into the house.

"Kitchen!" She called back. I made my way in and embraced her in a hug.

"Hello darling," she chuckled hugging me tight.

"What are you making and who for?" I asked perching myself on the stool.

"Brownies and for Kellina last time she was here she devoured them all," she chuckled starting the mixture.

"She won't be happy cause she can't burn it off,"

"She'll eat them trust me," she laughed. "How is Kellina?"

"She's good she should be let out in a day or so once she feels comfortable with walking and stuff,"

"How is she mentally though?"

"I mean she's fine I guess?"

"I can't imagine what it would feel like to be robbed let alone stabbed,"

Changing For Her (Book 2/3)Where stories live. Discover now