Prologue: Seven Deadly Rules

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This world is controlled. The world is split into three countries, the First Country being for the first class wolves. All of the Alphas and Lunas of the world live in the first country with the Alpha King and Luna Queen. They are the most powerful wolves around. All of the Alpha's Betas also live in this country together with their families.

The Second Country was full of all the packs and families. This is the country with all of the low omega wolves and the rest of the Alpha's packs. Every pack that lives in the Second Country have an Alpha that lives in the First Country. All packs have a mind-link so they can contact anyone in their pack if ever in trouble.

Lastly, the Third Country is filled with all of the banished wolves and the outcasts of the packs. These wolves were banned or sent away from their pack to live on their own. These wolves were criminals and wolves that didn't make it in their packs. They were too weak, or just too strong, or they simply left becoming a rogue. Rogues don't follow anyone, but themselves and they left the pack willingly.

The First Country is the place everyone wants to live they make the rules that all wolves have to follow. If you ever broke one of the rules no matter what country you were in. You would be cast out so fast you'd wish you were dead. The bigger your wolf was, the stronger you were and the more powerful. The smaller wolves are the pups and are the wolves that have a weaker wolf.

If they weren't in the First Country everyone knew they needed above all else to be in the Second Country. The Second Country was nowhere near as good as the First Country. The Second Country was just run down and a little messy.

Only if you lived in the Third Country, every night was like sleeping on a pile of rocks. Constantly people stole from you, killed each other, and hurt each other just for food. Everything in the Third Country was anything less than a blessing. If you had a den, you had made it. If you had a shop, you were stolen from. If you lived in a house, it was most likely someone else's place of death.

There was no one in a pack in the Third Country only rifrafters, but over the years the wolves in the Third Country got stronger and joined alliances they planned bombing the First and Second Countries. Oh, believe me if my father or me wasn't there back then the First and Second Country would be no more.

You might be thinking, 'what could be so bad that you'd be sent to such a wrenched place?' Well I'll tell you the rules of all wolves, they lived by the rules to keep them safe in life and to protect their packs. The rules were known everywhere and were installed in the pups all their lives.

These were the rules that caused the death of so many. Rule #1: Never disobey the Alpha of your pack. Rule #2: Never bring harm to your pack mates. Rule #3: Never hurt a wolves imprinted one. Rule #4: Never take the Moon Goddess in vain. Rule #5: Never fight against your pack. Rule #6: If you bring harm to the Alpha King or Luna Queen, they get your life. Rule #7: If you go against your Alpha or Luna you are banished for eternity.

These are the rules the packs live by, but each Alpha and Luna have their own rules the wolves also go by. At birth you learn the Seven Deadly Rules and your pack rules.

Now my father and mother were chased away from their pack when their pack turned against them in the night. Our family became rouges that night. My mother and fathers pack didn't stop until they drew blood in my family. They should've been banished for what they did, but it was their word against ours so they won the battle.

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