On the other side

Start from the beginning

Jade: we're going to the police station...

Weiss: what happened?

She asked in an extremely worried tone.

Jade: ruby...ruby got detained by slicing an arcade machine in half....

Weiss just stares in disbelief.

Weiss: that's a nice joke...but Ruby isn't that-

Jade: she really did it...

Weiss: .....of course...

Weiss gets off Jade and he puts his boots back on.

Jade: I'll be back. Love you.

Weiss: love you too.

She sits down and crosses her legs then turned on the tv.

Jade walked out the room and went downstairs to still see grown up Ruby sitting on the couch.

Ruby: Oh, hey Jade. You going somewhere?

Jade: yeah...ruby just got detained by the police for destroying an arcade machine...

Ruby slowly turns back to her scroll not wanting to know more. He walked over to the garage and webbed his helmet and pulled it towards him. He quickly throws it in and the hud pops up as he got on his bike. The door opened and he speeds out the garbage at full speed wanting to hurry back to Weiss.


Ruby: will I get my weapon back!

Officer: yes you will get your weapon back...where is your bother....

The officer leans into their hands as Jade walks into the station.

Jade: Hello?

They popped their head up and immediately ran into the back to hurry up and get the talkative girl out of there.

Officer: here's your brother, now get out.

Ruby: what about my weapon?

The officer throws crescent rose to Ruby who catches it and puts it on her back. Before Ruby could say anything Jade dragged her out and gave her his helmet.

Ruby: oooooh. Cool helmet, big brother!

Jade: what's with you calling me big brother now?

Ruby: just testing it out, to be honest.

She shrugged and Jade hopped on his bike with Ruby getting on not long after.

Ruby: so where are we going?

Jade: my place.

His bike starts and he hits a sharp U-turn going in the direction of his home. Unlike Weiss, Ruby enjoyed Jade's high-speed driving.

Ruby: I have no idea why your bike isn't making a bunch of noise but it's cool!! Whoooohooo!

This puts a smile on his face as he hits a wheelie making his sister cheer even more.


Ruby was still in the living room. She flipped upside down on the couch to watch tv upside down.

Ruby: heh...

She smirks.

She doesn't know why but watching tv upside down had always been funny to her. Jade with tiny Ruby walked through the garage door once more, the other Ruby just stares at them.

Ruby: aren't you the history and combat teacher?

Sister: yes, yes I am, little sister.

Ruby: you called me little sister!

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